BET is a digital currency created with python and flask with features of a centralized bank, wallet system, and open transaction history of all the users in the network including one to one deposit. It also has a betting (gambling) system and some other games will be added in future.

How to run it

  1. Download python
  2. clone this repo: git clone
  3. run python3 -m venv venv for UNIX and py -3 -m venv venv for windows.
  4. run . venv/bin/activate for UNIX and venv\Scripts\activate for windows.
  5. run pip install flask
  6. run pip install flask_sqlalchemy
  7. run export FLASK_ENV=development for UNIX and set FLASK_ENV=development for windows (CMD) $env:FLASK_ENV = "development" (PowerShell) to enter debug mode.
  8. run flask run


GitHub - ujjwal-kr/betcoin: A currency system created with python
A currency system created with python. Contribute to ujjwal-kr/betcoin development by creating an account on GitHub.