Ail LeakFeeder

AIL LeakFeeder: A Module for AIL Framework that automates the process to feed leaked files automatically to AIL, So basically this feeder will help you ingest AIL with your leaked files automatically.

How to use it

First Run the script to create the folders for you after installing the requirements
You need to add your leaked files into a folder called "Leaks_Folder", Run the script!


Install the Python dependencies:

pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt


change it under this file config.yaml
# Name of the feeder
name: LeakFeeder
# Leaks Folder to parse and send to AIL
leaks_folder: Leaks_Folder
# Output Folder of unprocessed split files
out_folder: Unprocessed_Leaks
# Chunks size of split files
chunks: 100000
# API key for AIL authentication
api_key: <your AIL API key>
ail_url: https://<your AIL server>:<AIL port>/api/v1
# Uniq identifier of the feeder ( )
uuid: 17450648-9581-42a6-b7c4-28c13f4664bf
# Time sleep between API calls in seconds
wait: 0.5


-Iterate inside folder inside "Leaks_Folder"


GitHub - ail-project/ail-feeder-leak: AIL LeakFeeder: A Module for AIL Framework that automate the process to feed leaked files automatically to AIL
AIL LeakFeeder: A Module for AIL Framework that automate the process to feed leaked files automatically to AIL - GitHub - ail-project/ail-feeder-leak: AIL LeakFeeder: A Module for AIL Framework tha...