HyperBlend version 0.1.0

This is the HyperBlend leaf spectra simulator developed in
Spectral Laboratory of University of Jyväskylä.
You can use and modify this software under MIT licence.

Currently, HyperBlend can only simulate point-spectrometer-like spectral data. It needs
actual measured reflectance and transmittance data which it tries to replicate.


Clone the repository to some location on your machine. Create a python environment by running
conda env create -n hb --file hb_env.yml in yor anaconda command prompt when in project root directory.
Use your favourite IDE for editing and running the code (developed using PyCharm).
Command line build and run is untested, but it should work as well.

You will also need open-source 3D-modeling and rendering software Blender, which
you can download and install from (blender.org). At least versions 2.8x and 2.9x should
work (developed on version 2.93.5). Change your Blender executable path to constants.py.

Working principle

The measured reflectances and transmittances look like this:

wavelength [nm] reflectance transmittance
400 0.21435 0.26547
401 0.21431 0.26540

We call this the target. Reflectance and transmittance values represent the fraction of
reflected and transmitted light so both values are separately bound to closed interval [0,1]
and their sum cannot exceed 1.

We use a Blender scene with a rectangular box that represents a leaf. The
material of the leaf has four adjustable parameters: absorption particle density, scattering
particle density, scattering anisotropy, and mix factor. These control how the light is scattered and
absorbed in the leaf material.

For each wavelength in the target, we adjust the leaf material parameters until the modeled
reflectance and transmittance match the target values.


The entry point of the software is __main__.py file. For testing the software without actual data,

from src import presets


that uses hard-coded test spectrum of a leaf.

The base element of the software is a measurement set identified by set_name, which consists
of one or more samples identified by sample_id. To initialize a new set, initialize an
Optimization object which will create a directory structure for given set_name under
optimization directory.

To use real measured data, you should use

data.toml_handling.write_target(set_name:str, data, sample_id=0)

where data is a list of wavelength, reflectance, transmittance 3-tuples (or lists). This will
write the data to disk in human-readable toml-formatted form that the rest of the code can understand.

Now you can start the optimization process. To summarize a simple use case in one snippet:

from src.optimization import Optimization
from data import toml_handlling as TH

data = [[400, 0.21435, 0.26547], [401, 0.21431, 0.26540]]
set_name = 'test_set'

o = Optimization(set_name)
TH.write_target(set_name, data, sample_id=0)

The results are written onto disk in the set’s directory as toml files and plotted to .png images.

Project structure, i.e., where to find stuff

Descriptions of the most important files.

  • optimization Optimization results and targets are stored here in set-wise sub-directories.
  • src Top level source code package.
    • __main__.py Entrypoint of the software.
    • constants.py Mainly names of things that should not be changed unless you are sure what you are doing.
      With the exception of path to Blender executable that you have to change to match your installation.
    • optimization.py Optimization work is done here.
    • plotter.py Responsible for plotting the results.
    • presets.py Default runnable example with hard-coded spectral values.
    • data Package responsible for data structure. Making changes in here will likely result in
      failure to read old optimization results.

      • file_handling.py Creation and removal of files and directories. Data structure reduction and expansion
        for more convenient file sharing.
      • file_names.py Knows all filenames in the project. Generator-parser pairs.
      • path_handling.py Knows the most important paths used in the project. Some paths may still need
        to be generated manually.
      • toml_handling.py Writing and reading of result data files.
    • rendering Package responsible for calling Blender.
    • utils Package containing miscellaneous utility modules.
  • bs_render_single.py Blender render script file.
  • scene_leaf_material.blend Bender scene file that is run by the bs_render_single.py.


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