
PyPasser is a Python library for bypassing reCaptchaV3 only by sending 2 requests. In 1st request, gets token of captcha and in 2nd request, gets rresp by params and token which gotted in previous step.

Support Python >= 3.7


From PyPI

pip install PyPasser

From Github (latest repo code)

pip install git+


Option 1: Use the pre-added sites

see pre-added sites here.

from pypasser import reCaptchaBypasser
from pypasser.sites import spotify_com, snapchat_com

# for
reCaptcha_response = reCaptchaBypasser(spotify_com)
## use this response in your requests ...

# for
reCaptcha_response = reCaptchaBypasser(snapchat_com)
## use this response in your requests ...

Option 2: Use CustomSite for unadded sites

To use CustomSite, first you must find endpoint and params of anchor URL.

  • Open inspect-element on your browser.
  • Go to web page that has reCaptcha V3.
  • In Network tab you should see a request with URL like this:
    so in this URL, endpoint is api2 (it also can be enterprise in another sites).
    and params is ar=1&k=6LfCVLAUAAAAFwwRnnCFW_J39&co=aHR....
from pypasser import reCaptchaBypasser
from pypasser.structs import CustomSite

config = CustomSite('endpoint', 'params')
reCaptcha_response = reCaptchaBypasser(config)
## use this response in your requests ...

Use proxy

from pypasser import reCaptchaBypasser
from pypasser.sites import spotify_com
from pypasser.structs import Proxy

## Using Proxy structure
proxy = Proxy(Proxy.type.HTTPs,'HOST','PORT')

## with authentication credentials
# proxy = Proxy(Proxy.type.HTTPs,'HOST','PORT','USERNAME', 'PASSWORD')

reCaptcha_response = reCaptchaBypasser(spotify_com, proxy)

also you can configure it as Dict.

proxy = {"http": "http://HOST:PORT",
         "https": "http://HOST:PORT"}

reCaptcha_response = reCaptchaBypasser(spotify_com, proxy)

Set timeout

Default timeout is 20 seconds but you can change the amount like this:

from pypasser import reCaptchaBypasser
from pypasser.sites import spotify_com

reCaptcha_response = reCaptchaBypasser(spotify_com, timeout = 10)


Exception Description
ConnectionError Raised due to network connectivity-related issues.
SiteNotSupported Raised when site not in sites.json.
RecaptchaTokenNotFound Raised when couldn't find token due to wrong endpoint or params.
RecaptchaResponseNotFound Raised when couldn't find reCaptcha response due to using PyPasser for site that hasn't reCaptchaV3.


GitHub - xHossein/PyPasser: Bypass reCaptcha V3 only by sending requests.
Bypass reCaptcha V3 only by sending requests. Contribute to xHossein/PyPasser development by creating an account on GitHub.