A repository for a universal I/O spec for TAMP, along with scripts to convert from popular specs to our spec



This repository requires Python 3.8+. We recommend you create a conda env or virtual env with an appropriate Python version before installing the other dependencies.

If you are creating a virtual environment within the project directory, then you might want to call it one of .env, env, .venv, venv as the code checks have been configured to exclude those directories.

  1. Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install dependencies.

Instructions For Contributing

Dev Dependencies

Run pip install -r requirements-dev.txt to install all dependencies for development/contribution.

Pushing your Changes

You can’t directly push to the main branch. All contributions will require review to ensure code is understandable and can be built upon.

  1. To contribute new code, make a new Git branch in this repository (don’t use a fork, since that will not properly trigger the checks when you make a PR). When your code is ready for review, make a PR and request reviews from the appropriate people (if you’re not sure who to request a review from, default to Nishanth and/or Will).
  2. To merge a PR, you need at least one approval, and you have to pass the 4 checks defined in .github/workflows/ci_checks.yml (these will be run automatically on GitHub whenever you push or open a PR). You can run these checks locally in one line via ./scripts/ For more details, refer to the next section.

Formatting and Checks

We use isort and black for autoformatting, flake8 and mypy for linting and type checking, and pytest for unit and integration testing. You can run all these commands in one simple script via ./scripts/

If you wish to run these commands individually, you can run these commands from the repo directory:

  1. isort . && black .
  2. flake8 .
  3. mypy . --config-file mypy.ini
  4. pytest -s tests/ --cov-config=.coveragerc --cov=lisdf/ --cov-fail-under=75 --cov-report=term-missing:skip-covered --durations=10
  • The 1st command is the autoformatting check, which runs black and isort.
  • The 2nd command is the linter check, which runs flake8
  • The 3rd command is the static typing check, which uses mypy to verify type annotations.
  • The 4th command is the unit testing check, which verifies that unit tests pass and that code is adequately covered.
    • The “75” means that 75% of all lines in every file in lisdf/ must be covered (excludes tests/).


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