
navigation_commander is a ROS package to command the robot to navigate autonomously to each table for food delivery inside a hotel. Here we use turtlebot 3 waffle_pi gazebo simulation for the demo.

The package comes with a commander node for move_base and a GUI to send commands to the command node.

The GUI is typically designed for a hotel room of nine tables. The user can set a table position in the map of the hotel and command the robot to go to a particular table to deliver the food. After delivering the food, the user can command the robot to go to its home position.


How to Build

After installing, clone to a ROS workspace inside src folder and do catkin_make.

cd ~/catkin_ws/src

git clone

cd ~/catkin_ws


Launching application

You can start the turtlebot 3 simulation, navigation and control GUI using the following launch file

 roslaunch navi_commander demo.launch


Click on the following image to see the demo video

Introduction Video



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