
Extension for rolling dice in Albert launcher

demo gif


  1. Locate the modules directory in the Python extension data directory.

The data directories reside in the data directories of the application defined by Qt. Hence on linux the modules would be looked up in the following directories (in this order):


(Note: Double-clicking on a module in the settings will open the directory in the file manager.)

  1. Clone this repository into your modules directory.

cd /path/to/modules git clone https://github.com/DenverCoder1/dice-roll-albert-ext.git

  1. Enable the extension in the settings under Extensions > Python.


Roll any number of dice using the format _d_.

Synopsis: <amount>d<sides> [<amount>d<sides> ...]

Example: "2d6 3d8 1d20"


If you have any questions, suggestions, or issues, please feel free to open an issue or pull request.

GitHub - DenverCoder1/dice-roll-albert-ext at pythonawesome.com
Albert launcher extension for rolling dice. Contribute to DenverCoder1/dice-roll-albert-ext development by creating an account on GitHub.