
An extremely easy to use module that plays videos on Pygame


import pygame
from pyvidplayer import Video

win = pygame.display.set_mode((1280, 720))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()

#provide video class with the path to your video
vid = Video("4.mp4")
vid.set_size((1280, 720))

while True:
    key = None
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            #release video resources when done
        elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
            key =
    #your program frame rate does not affect video playback
    #more info below
    if key == "r":
        vid.restart()           #rewind video to beginning
    elif key == "p":
        vid.toggle_pause()      #pause/plays video
    elif key == "right":            #skip 15 seconds in video
    elif key == "left":           #rewind 15 seconds in video
    elif key == "up":
        vid.set_volume(1.0)     #max volume
    elif key == "down":
        vid.set_volume(0.0)     #min volume - mute
    #draws the video to the given surface, at the given position
    #info on force draw below
    vid.draw(win, (0, 0), force_draw=False)


  • Standard video playing features such as seeking and pausing
  • Internal clock plays video at the right pace regardless of your program’s fps
    (try changing the clock.tick() values in the above example and see for yourself)
  • Uses Pygame surfaces for more user control
  • Minimal cpu usage
    (on my machine, max optimization used less than 10%, min used 20%,
    and a practical approach used around 12%)
  • Add a video to your game in just 3 lines of code

Other Stuff

  • get_file_data() returns a bunch of information regarding the video file, such as frame count, duration, size, etc
  • get_playback_data() returns information regarding the video class itself, such as it’s volume, pause state, etc
  • For draw(), the force_draw parameter is defaulted to True. That means that everytime the method is called, the current
    video frame will be drawn. When force_draw is turned off, draw() will only draw something when there is a new frame in the video.
    Otherwise, it draws nothing. This is nice to save cpu, as you don’t need to keep drawing the same frame over and over again. However, there will be a lot of
    flickering if stuff is drawn above or below the frame, which is why force_draw is defaulted to True
  • Seeking backwards is a lot slower than seeking forwards
  • will become False when the video finishes playing


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