CPPF: Towards Robust Category-Level 9D Pose Estimation in the Wild

Yang You, Ruoxi Shi, Weiming Wang, Cewu Lu

CVPR 2022

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Project Page

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CPPF is a pure sim-to-real method that achieves 9D pose estimation in the wild. Our model is trained solely on ShapeNet synthetic models (without any real-world background pasting), and could be directly applied to real-world scenarios (i.e., NOCS REAL275, SUN RGB-D, etc.). CPPF achieves the goal by using only local $SE3$-invariant geometric features, and leverages a bottom-up voting scheme, which is quite different from previous end-to-end learning methods. Our model is robust to noise, and can obtain decent predictions even if only bounding box masks are provided.



This is the official code implementation of CPPF, including both training and testing. Inference on custom datasets is also supported.


You can run the following command to setup an environment, tested on Ubuntu 16.04:

conda create -n cppf python=3.8
conda install pytorch cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch-lts
pip install tqdm opencv-python scipy matplotlib open3d==0.12.0 hydra-core pyrender cupy-cuda102 PyOpenGL-accelerate
CXX=g++-7 CC=gcc-7 pip install MinkowskiEngine==0.5.4 -v

We use Hydra configuration system to run scripts.
Notice that we use pyrender with OSMesa support, you may need to install OSMesa after running pip install pyrender, more details can be found here.

Train on ShapeNet Objects

First, download ShapeNet v2 dataset and modify the shapenet_root key in config/config.yaml to point to the location of the dataset.

To train on synthetic ShapeNet objects that appear in NOCS REAL275, run:

python train.py category=bottle,bowl,camera,can,laptop,mug -m

To train on synthetic ShapeNet objects that appear in SUN RGB-D, run:

python train.py category=bathtub,bed,bookshelf,chair,sofa,table -m

Pretrained Models

Test on NOCS REAL275

With Instance Segmentation Mask

With Bounding Box Mask

Zero-Shot Instance Segmentation and Pose Estimation

Test on SUN RGB-D

Train on Your Own Object Collections


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