
Create and play coloured ??? or color-less ⬛️⬜️ animated, or static, ASCII-art in the command line!


clippy can help if you are wanting to;

  • Develop a rogue-like ASCII game
  • Develop word games (animate text)
  • Develeop TUI's or CUI's
  • Develop a Terminal screensaver
  • Create animated logos for your scripts
  • Make ASCII-art
  • Make coloured ASCII art
  • Make animated ASCII art
  • Only use the Python standard library!

Example Animations

  1. txt to clip!
  2. animated script logo
  3. coloured vs colourless
  4. animated vs non-animated
Get this clip From this txt file/s!


How clippy works

clippy looks at all the txt files in a directory, and sequentially prints each file to the console in the same line/column position.

Each txt file acts as a 'frame' of the clip; Minor variations between these text files creates the animation!

Make your own animations


  1. Create a sub-directory inside the 'art' directory. Give it a meaningful name eg: "Sailing_boat" for a sailing boat animation
  2. Create a base/template txt file. Your ASCII-art template will live in here. Do it yourself or get ideas from
    Eg: your base might have some ASCII-art like this in it (or anything you want!)


  1. Make multiple copies of this file and in each copy, make some minor changes, for example below I've shifted the boat left, and added a seagull: Tip: You can add as many frames and variations as you want. The more the better!


  1. Run and pass the relative path of the directory containing your txt files (frames), pass it the speed (1-100), and pass it the number of cycles to run (1-1000)
  2. Enjoy and contribute your art here! Submit a pull request of your art to this repo!


  1. Build library of ASCII-art and animated ASCII-art
  2. Auto-colour terminal art
  3. Generative ASCII-art
