FigUI: The pythonic file UI

The aim of FigUI is to provide a single desktop application to view, edit, process and convert various file types - images, videos, audio files, 3D model files, binary files, log files, code files, pdf, excel, ppt files etc. You get the picture :P . This is just a passion project and don't expect this to be a replacement for gnome apps, VSCode or VLC :|

File formats to be supported:

  1. Text: (txt, md, rst, log)
  2. Code: (most coding languages: think python, Javascript, C, C++, Java, Perl, Ruby, anything code mirror can highlight :P, JSON, JSONL, pickle files, github flavored markdown, html, css, scss, less etc.)
  3. Audio: (mp3, wav, ogg etc.)
  4. Document: ppt/ CSVs
  5. Image: (still images formats such as png, jpg, svg (technically they are more like html files though :P), ico, bmp etc. as well as more dynamic formats such as gif)
  6. Video: (mp4, mov, webm etc.)
  7. Archives: (zip, 7zip etc)

Screenshots of the UI:

  1. App Launcher
App Launcher
  1. File Viewer
File Viewer 1
File Viewer 2
File Viewer 3
File Viewer 4
File Viewer 5
File Viewer 6
File Viewer 7
File Viewer 8
  1. Bashrc Editor
Bashrc Editor
  1. Code Editor
Code Editor
  1. Image Viewer
Image Viewer
  1. Image Editor
Image Editor
  1. File Formats
File Formats
  1. PDF Reader
PDF Reader
  1. Pickle Viewer
Pickle Viewer
  1. Text Editor
Text Editor
  1. Embedded xterm Emulator
Embedded xterm Emulator

How to install

Installation instructions for fig.

From source (only way available currently)

  1. clone the repository: git clone
  2. Install dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt

Setting up fig as a desktop application

  1. Modify python shebang in

    Change the #!/home/atharva/anaconda3/envs/figui/bin/python to #!<your_python_path>, where your_python_path is the output of the command which python.
  2. change nautilus settings to allow running of python script from the launcher sidebar.
GitHub - atharva-naik/FigUI: FIG: Fig Is a Gui. As the acronym states, FIG is indeed a GUI.
FIG: Fig Is a Gui. As the acronym states, FIG is indeed a GUI. - GitHub - atharva-naik/FigUI: FIG: Fig Is a Gui. As the acronym states, FIG is indeed a GUI.