
Do you prefer Firefox to Chrome? Me too! But ever since Firefox dropped support
for standalone web applications, I’ve resorted to using Chrome for those. Better
than installing a bloated Electron app, but not ideal.

This is my best attempt at fixing the situation. Tested only using Firefox 96
and Gnome 3 using the Wayland protocol. It’s a 100 line commented and
straightforward Python script.

Screenshot of Github made into a borderless WebApp. You can use the Windows key + drag to move a borderless window in Gnome 3.


(venv) [marten@procyon mozapp]$ python3
Usage: python3 Example optional-icon-name

List of installed apps (and also the commands to de-install them):
rm -r /home/marten/.local/share/webapp/WhatsApp /home/marten/.local/share/applications/webapp-WhatsApp.desktop
rm -r /home/marten/.local/share/webapp/Agenda /home/marten/.local/share/applications/webapp-Agenda.desktop

(venv) [marten@procyon mozapp]$ python3 Skype call-start
Success! Try searching for 'Skype'.

List of installed apps (and also the commands to de-install them):
rm -r /home/marten/.local/share/webapp/WhatsApp /home/marten/.local/share/applications/webapp-WhatsApp.desktop
rm -r /home/marten/.local/share/webapp/Agenda /home/marten/.local/share/applications/webapp-Agenda.desktop
rm -r /home/marten/.local/share/webapp/Skype /home/marten/.local/share/applications/webapp-Skype.desktop
(venv) [marten@procyon mozapp]$ rm -r /home/marten/.local/share/webapp/Skype /home/marten/.local/share/applications/webapp-Skype.desktop
(venv) [marten@procyon mozapp]$

If you specify an icon name as third argument, it is used as-is in the resulting
.desktop file. If you don’t, mozapp will try to download the biggest
icon given by the web application (it visits the web app). In that case, you
need to have the favicon Python package installed from PyPI (e.g. using pip install favicon).


View Github