
Fork of UrlResolver by eldorados, tknorris and jsergio123

I am in no way responsible for the urls being resolved by 3rd parties. This script only resolves video content from legitimate file lockers without prejudice. If this script is being used by 3rd parties to resolve content that you feel infringes upon your Intellectual Property then please take your complaints to the actual website or developer linking to such content and not me. This script in no way searches for any content whatsoever.

Include smrzips dir with your repo to always have the latest updates

    <info compressed="false"></info>
    <datadir zip="true"></datadir>


Include the script in your addon.xml

    <import addon="script.module.resolveurl" version="5.1.0"/>

Import ResolveUrl and use it

import resolveurl
if resolveurl.HostedMediaFile(url):
    resolved = resolveurl.resolve(url)

Adult Resolver Extension for ResolveURL

Include the script in your addon.xml

    <import addon="script.module.resolveurl" version="5.1.0"/>
    <import addon="" version="2.1.0"/>
  1. Import SMR and the XXX SMR Extension to your addon.
  2. Call the resolveurl from your addon to resolve the XXX hosts.

import resolveurl
import xbmcvfs
xxx_plugins_path = 'special://home/addons/'
if xbmcvfs.exists(xxx_plugins_path):

if resolveurl.HostedMediaFile(url):
    resolved = resolveurl.resolve(url)


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