
Generate Openbox Menus from a easy to write configuration file.

Example Configuration: (‘#’ indicate comments but not implemented yet, so remove them first!)

[Openbox]                           # Separator with label
Firefox:firefox                     # Menu item "Firefox" command `firefox`
---                                 # Separator
Places {                            # Sub-menu with label
	Home:xdg-open ~
	Downloads:xdg-open ~/Downloads
All Applications {
	!dmenu                          # Template to generate application launchers
	                                # from .desktop files in `/usr/share/application`
	                                # with categories.
	Flatpaks {
		!flatpaks                   # Similar to !dmenu but for flatpaks


git clone menu.conf > ~/.config/openbox/menu.xml

openbox --reconfigure


[Separator With Label]

This creates a Separator with Label as the text inside the square brackets.

Menu {

This creates a sub-menu with the label as the text before the ‘{‘. ‘}’ on a single line closes a sub-menu. Menu items inside the {} will appear inside the sub-menu when expanded.

Menu Item:command

This creates a single Menu item with a command, the text before the ‘:’ is the label and after is the command to be executed when the item is clicked.


This is a template, it will get replaced by Menu items for all the applications (From .desktop files inside /usr/share/applications) separated into Categories.


This is a template, it will get replaced by Menu items for all the Flatpak applications (From flatpak list -app command). Using this without flatpak installed will result in a broken menu.xml file.


This creates a separator with no label (Appears as a

in the menu)


GitHub - aspirus-in/openbox-menu-generator: Generate Openbox Menus from a easy to write configuration file.
Generate Openbox Menus from a easy to write configuration file. - GitHub - aspirus-in/openbox-menu-generator: Generate Openbox Menus from a easy to write configuration file.