
HatAsm is a HatSploit native powerful assembler and disassembler that provides support for all common architectures.


  • Assembler and disassembler both available in one tool.
  • Support for most common architectures like x64, x86, aarch64, armle, mipsle, mipsbe.
  • Ability to assemble code right into the byte code.


pip3 install git+https://github.com/EntySec/HatAsm

Basic functions

There are all HatAsm basic functions that can be used to generate payload, covert data, assemble code or inject shellcode.

  • assemble(arch, code, mode=None) - Generate byte code for specified target from specified code (mode argument is used for armle and armbe to switch between thumb command set mode or arm).
  • disassemble(arch, code, mode=None) - Generate byte code for specified target from specified code (mode argument is used for armle and armbe to switch between thumb command set mode or arm).
  • hexdump(code, length=16, sep='.') - Hexdump for byte code.

Assembling code

It's very easy to assemble code for various targets in HatAsm. Let's assemble a simple code that calls shutdown for Linux.


from hatasm import HatAsm code = """start:    push 0x3e    pop rax    push -1    pop rdi    push 0x9    pop rsi    syscall""" hatasm = HatAsm() shellcode = hatasm.assemble('x64', code)

HatAsm CLI

HatAsm also has their own command line interface that can be invoked by executing hatasm command:

usage: hatasm [-h] [--arch ARCH] [--mode MODE] [-i INPUT] [-o OUTPUT] [-a]

HatAsm is a HatSploit native powerful assembler and disassembler that provides
support for all common architectures.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --arch ARCH           Architecture to assemble or disassemble for.
  --mode MODE           Architecture mode (used for armle or armbe -
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        Input file for assembler or disassembler.
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output file to write output.
  -a, --assembler       Launch HatAsm assembler.
  -d, --disassembler    Launch HatAsm disassembler.


hatasm -a --arch x64

Run interactive assembler shell for x64 architecture.

hatasm > nop
00000000  90                                               |.               |
hatasm > start:
........     xor rax, rax
........     cdq
........     nop
00000000  48 31 c0 99 90                                   |H1...           |
hatasm >

Write macos execve /bin/sh shellcode from command-line.

hatasm > start:
........     xor rax, rax
........     cdq
........     push rax
........     mov rdi, 0x68732f6e69622f2f
........     push rdi
........     push rsp
........     pop rdi
........     xor rsi, rsi
........     mov al, 0x2
........     ror rax, 0x28
........     mov al, 0x3b
........     syscall
00000000  48 31 c0 99 50 48 bf 2f  2f 62 69 6e 2f 73 68 57 |H1..PH.//bin/shW|
00000010  54 5f 48 31 f6 b0 02 48  c1 c8 28 b0 3b 0f 05    |T_H1...H..(.;.. |
hatasm > 
GitHub - EntySec/HatAsm at pythonawesome.com
HatAsm is a HatSploit native powerful assembler and disassembler that provides support for all common architectures. - GitHub - EntySec/HatAsm at pythonawesome.com