pymwp: MWP analysis in Python

pymwp is a tool for automatically performing static analysis on programs written in C, inspired by "A Flow Calculus of mwp-Bounds for Complexity Analysis". It analyzes resource usage and determines if a program's variables growth rates are no more than polynomially related to their inputs sizes. You can run our many examples on-line in our demo before installing it, or consult our list of supported C language features.


Install latest release from PyPI

pip install pymwp

How to Use

To analyze a C file, run:

pymwp path/to_some_file.c

For all available options and help, run:


You can also use pymwp in a Python script:

from pymwp import Polynomial
from pymwp.matrix import identity_matrix, show

matrix = identity_matrix(3)
matrix[0][1] = Polynomial('m')
matrix[1][0] = Polynomial('w')
matrix[2][1] = Polynomial('p')


See documentation for available modules and methods.

Running from source

If you want to use the latest stable version (possibly ahead of
latest release), use the version from source following these steps.

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone
  2. Set up Python environment

    install required packages

    pip install -q -r requirements.txt
  3. Run the analysis

    From project root run:

    python -m pymwp path/to_some_file.c

    for example:

    python -m pymwp c_files/basics/if.c

    for all available options and help, run:

    python -m pymwp
