Armer Driver

The Generic Manipulation Driver Package - Implements a ROS Interface over the robotics toolbox for Python


The Armer driver provides a simple mechanism for building high-level configurations to seamlessly control a broad range of manipulators under different actuation modes (simulation or physical).

Several ROS action servers, topics and services are set up by this package to enable this functionality. A summary of these can be found here.

Additionally, the driver is built off the Python Robotics Toolbox and uses Swift as a backend to simulate supported manipulators.


Requires ROS Noetic preinstalled

  1. Create a catkin workspace.
mkdir -p ~/armer_ws/src && cd ~/armer_ws/src
  1. Clone this repository and into the armer_ws/src folder.
git clone && git clone 
  1. Install the required dependencies.
cd .. && rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y 
  1. Build the packages.
  1. Source the workspace.
source devel/

To make this automatically occur in any terminal that is launched, run the follwing line.

echo "source ~/armer_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc

  1. Run
roslaunch armer armer.launch

to start the simulation. By default the configuration for the Panda model sim will be launched.


The driver can be configured use with different arms, a simulation or a physical enviroment. To define these settings and allow for easy reuse, settings can be saved and loaded from a YAML file in the cfg folder.

A simple example configuration for the Franka-Emika Panda simulation can be seen below:

  - name: arm 
    model: roboticstoolbox.models.Panda 
  type: roboticstoolbox.backends.Swift.Swift 

The key parameters to define here are:

  • name: namespace to be used
  • model: robotics toolbox robot model to use
  • backend type: roboticstoolbox.backends.Swift.Swift will launch the Swift simulator. Use armer.backends.ROS.ROS to use a physical system

Other parameters can also be set:

Field Name Description Example
robots: joint_state_topic topic to listen to joint states on "/joint_states"
robots: joint_velocity_topic topic to listen to velocity on "/joint_group_velocity_controller/joint_velocity"
robots: origin Set a different origin for the robot [-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
robots: gripper Specify the end effector link "tool0"
logging: frequency Sets the frequency of logging false

Certain arms (such as the UR3) have multiple end effectors so specifying the link must be done by adding a "gripper" field to the robots section with the link name as a string.

To launch a driver instance with a preset config, the config parameter is added to the roslaunch command with the name of the desired YAML config.

The following example shows how driver instance can be launched with a saved Panda sim config:

roslaunch armer armer.launch config:=/path/to/cfg/panda_sim.yaml


Examples of interfacing with the driver can be found in the examples folder.

An example( for interacting with a Panda sim can be run from the workspace main directory via the following command after roslaunching the Panda model sim config.

python3 armer/examples/

Alternatively, an example( for interacting with a UR5 sim can be run from the workspace main directory via the following command after roslaunching the UR5 model sim config.

python3 armer/examples/

Code Examples

Move a manipulator to a specified pose

To communicate with the driver, a ROS action client must be created to communicate with the driver.

pose_cli = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('/arm/cartesian/pose', MoveToPoseAction)

In this example we will set the pose of a simulated Panda arm. The pose action server uses the PoseStamped message type from the geometry messages package.

# Create an empty PoseStamped message
target = PoseStamped()

To request a pose the frame_id of the header field should be filled out with the target robot's base link.

target.header.frame_id = 'panda_link0'

The desired pose's position and orientation should be filled out in the corresponding fields.

target.pose.position.x = 0.307
target.pose.position.y = 0.400
target.pose.position.z = 0.490

target.pose.orientation.x = -1.00
target.pose.orientation.y =  0.00
target.pose.orientation.z =  0.00
target.pose.orientation.w =  0.00

Create a goal from the target pose.

goal = MoveToPoseGoal()

The desired pose is then sent to the action server as a goal and waits for it to finish.


Move a manipulator's end effector w.r.t the target frame's ID

A target robot can also be manipulated by publishing directly to the cartesian velocity topic. This topic uses the message type TwistStamped.

Set up the publisher pointed to the velocity topic.

vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/arm/cartesian/velocity', TwistStamped, queue_size=1)

Create an empty message.

ts = TwistStamped()

Populate the message with desired variables.

ts.twist.linear.z = 0.1

Publish the message to the velocity topic.


Driver Component Summary

Subscribed Topics

  • /arm/cartesian/velocity (geometry_msgs/TwistStamped)
    Moves the end-effector in cartesian space w.r.t. the target frame_id (base frame if no frame_id is set).

  • /arm/joint/velocity (armer_msgs/JointVelocity)
    Moves the joints of the manipulator at the requested velocity.

Published Topics

  • /arm/state (armer_msgs/ManipulatorState)
    Provides information on the current state of the manipulator including the pose of the end-effector w.r.t. to the base link, whether the manipulator is experiencing a cartesian contact and collision as a bit-wised error state flag.


  • /arm/home (std_srvs/Empty)
    Moves the robot back to its initial ready pose.

  • /arm/recover (std_srvs/Empty)
    Recovers from collision or limit violation error states that will put the robot into a non-operable state.

  • /arm/stop (std_srvs/Empty)
    Stops the current motion of the current.

  • /arm/get_named_poses (armer_msgs/GetNamesList)
    Gets a list of currently stored named poses (includes both moveit and driver stored named poses).

  • /arm/set_named_pose (armer_msgs/SetNamedPose)
    Saves the current joint configuration of the robot with the provided pose name.

  • /arm/remove_named_pose (armer_msgs/RemoveNamedPose)
    Removes the joint configuration of the provided pose name.

  • /arm/set_cartesian_impedance (armer_msgs/SetCartesianImpedance
    Adjusts the impedance of the end-effector position in cartesian space.

  • /arm/add_named_pose_config (armer_msgs/SetNamedPoseConfig)
    Instructs the driver to load named poses stored in the indicated config file.

  • /arm/get_named_pose_configs (armer_msgs/GetNamedPoseConfigs)
    Gets the list of config files to check for named poses.

  • /arm/remove_named_pose_config (armer_msgs/SetNamedPoseConfig)
    Instructs the driver to remove named poses stored in the indicated config file.

Action API
