Dash multi-page app demos

This repo contains minimal examples of multi-page apps using the pages feature available in dash>=2.5.1

This feature was developed in dash-labs. For background, see the thread on the Dash Community Forum Convert your multi-page app from a dash-labs pages plug-in to the pages feature in dash 2.5.1 in 3 easy steps:

  1. Remove import dash_labs as dl or upgrade dash-labs to V1.1.0 There is a conflict between dash-labs versions less than 1.1.0 when running a pages app in dash 2.5.1

  2. Change:

app = Dash(__name__, plugins=[dl.plugins.pages])


app = Dash(__name__, use_pages=True)
  1. Change:



That’s it!

👉 Thepages feature will no longer be developed in dash-labs. I recommend all dash-labs multi-page apps be converted to use the pages feature in dash>= 2.5.1

Examples List:


This folder has a minimal overview of the basic pages features, including:

  • setting the default home page
  • path variables
  • updating the title and description with a function
  • query strings
  • setting redirects
  • adding extra data to the dash.page_registry
  • customizing the dash.page_registry defaults
  • automatically including images in social media meta tag cards
  • adding pages without using the pages folder


This example shows how to use the “relative_path” attribute in dash.page_registry for deployment environments that use a pathname prefix. It also shows use of dash.get_asset_url() to get the correct path to the assets folder from a file in the pages folder.

  • relative_path: The path with requests_pathname_prefix prefixed before it. Use this path when specifying local URL paths that will work in environments regardless of what requests_pathname_prefix is. In some deployment environments, like Dash Enterprise, requests_pathname_prefix is set to the application name, e.g. my-dash-app. When working locally, requests_pathname_prefix might be unset and so a relative URL like /page-2 can just be /page-2. However, when the app is deployed to a URL like /my-dash-app, then relative_path will be /my-dash-app/page-2.


This example shows how to share data between pages of a multi-page app using caching

The easiest way to share data between callbacks is to use dcc.Store(). However, if you have larger data, then you may want to use caching as described in example 3 and 4 in the Dash tutorial sharing data between callbacks

This example also demonstrates the use of the new dash.get_app() function that can be used to access the app object from modules within the pages folder without running into the circular imports issue.


This example shows a small app with three pages with callbacks each page displays a figure. It uses dash-bootstrap-components with a navigation in a dropdown in a navbar.


This shows a minimal example of use flask-login to secure one of the pages of a multi-page app. This code is adapted for pages based on Nader Elshehabi’s article and github repo:


This app demonstrates how to create a sub-topics sidebar that is only used in certain pages. It shows how to use functions to make sure the dash.page_registry is complete when accessing it from within the pages folder.


This app show more details on how the images are added to the meta tags


This app demonstrates the case where you have nested folders with pages folder e.g.

- app.py 
- pages
    - chapter1
       |-- __init__.py
       |-- page1.py
       |-- page2.py
    - chapter2
       |-- __init__.py
       |-- page1.py
       |-- page2.py


This app demonstrates passing variables to a page with a figure using query strings


This app shows how to pass variable from the url path to a page, by clicking on a link in a table. It includes:

  • dash.DataTable with links formatted using Markdown
  • html table with the links formatted using dcc.Link. The advantage of the html table is the dcc.Links allow for the navigation to a new page without refreshing the page. The table is created with the dbc.Table.from_dataframe function from the dash-bootstrap-components library.


This example demonstrate a light and dark theme switch component from the dash-bootstrap-templates library


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