
Monitor and Compare Logs on Browser/Terminal.

Inspired by tensorboard, grip and notable, all of which serve light-weight GUI by

  • only using static files (e.g., markdown files without DB);
  • single command (e.g., tensorboard --logdir logs/ and grip README.md).

Why not tensorboard?

I also use tensorboard in addition to this tool.
But currently tensorboard doesn't support comparing different configurations
for each log (e.g., git-hash of the code, learning rate, training strategy).
logboard is a kind of extra plugin to tensorboard
(but you need to run in different terminal, unfortunately).
I expect this kind of feature will be included in tensorboard in the future.


pip install logboard


Browser (logboard --logdir logs/)

$ cd examples

$ cat logs/20190310_093252.724597/args
    "loglevel": "info",
    "gpu": 0,
    "seed": 0,
    "class_ids": [
    "lr": 0.001,
    "timestamp": "2019-03-10T09:32:52.724597",
    "out": "/home/wkentaro/logboard/examples/logs/20190310_093252.724597",
    "hostname": "computer1",
    "githash": "b48ce48"

# similar to tensorboard --logdir logs/
$ logboard --logdir logs/ --filter out timestamp loglevel gpu seed 'lr .*' '.*main/loss.*(max)' '.*loss_.*'

Terminal (logtable --logdir logs/)

$ cd examples

$ logtable --logdir logs --filter out timestamp loglevel gpu seed 'lr .*' '.*main/loss.*(max)' '.*loss_.*'
 * Log directory: logs
│    │        log_dir         │  epoch  │  iteration  │  elapsed_time  │    updated_at     │  class_ids  │  githash  │  hostname  │  lr   │    main/     │  validation/  │
│    │                        │         │             │                │                   │             │           │            │       │  loss (min)  │     main/     │
│    │                        │         │             │                │                   │             │           │            │       │              │  loss (min)   │
│ 0  │ 20190310_093252.724597 │    1    │    1740     │    1:47:02     │ 88 days, 14:24:22 │     [1]     │  b48ce48  │ computer1  │ 0.001 │    0.0088    │     0.18      │
│    │                        │         │             │                │                   │             │           │            │       │  (1, 1580)   │   (0, 880)    │
│ 1  │ 20190310_093829.691289 │    1    │    1720     │    1:45:37     │ 88 days, 14:24:22 │     [1]     │  f766b97  │ computer2  │ 0.001 │    0.012     │     0.19      │
│    │                        │         │             │                │                   │             │           │            │       │  (1, 1620)   │   (0, 440)    │
