MVPTR: Multi-Stage Vision-Language Pre-Training via Multi-Level Semantic Alignment


This repository is the implementation of our project MVPTR: Multi-Stage Vision-Language Pre-Training via Multi-Level Semantic Alignment. In this paper, we propose to explicitly align vision and language at multiple levels. In MVP, we firstly introduce concepts in both modalities to construct two-level semantic representations for language and vision, then we design a 2-stage pre-training framework to learn intra-modal and cross-modal interaction respectively. The procedure is illustrated in the figure below:


Our implementation is based on the project Oscar&VinVL, many thanks to Microsoft for the open-source resource.


We pre-trained our MVP model with the base-setting and evaluate it on image-text retrieval, VQA, visual entailment, and referring expression.

Metric IR R@1 TR R@1 IR R@1 TR R@1 Test-dev Test-std Val/Test
ALBEF 56.8 73.1 82.8 94.3 74.54 74.70 80.14/80.30
VinVL 58.1 74.6 75.95 76.12 – / –
MVPTR 60.1 77.3 84.0 95.2 76.16 76.36 80.30/80.17

MSCOCO: 5k test; IR: Image Retrieval; TR: Text Retrieval, R@1: Recall at 1, VQA: VQA v2

For full results, please refer to our paper.

Installation & Usage


# create environment
conda create --name mvp python=3.7
conda activate mvp

# install pytorch1.7
pip install torch==1.7.1+cu101 torchvision==0.8.2+cu101 torchaudio==0.7.2 -f

# run setup
python build develop

# install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt

mkdir pretrained_models
mkdir pretrain_datasets

Data Preprocess:

To transform image-text pairs to fit the MVP input, there are several steps:

  1. We utilize the off-the-shelf scene graph parser provided in SPICE to extract tuples from text, which are considered as phrase concepts.
  2. Only general phrases which appear in at least 50 sentences in the pre-training corpus are considered, the id2phrase mapping is stored in id2phrase. Extracted phrases for coco, Flickr, vqa, visual entailment, referring expression can be downloaded from here.
  3. Object features and tags are extracted from images with the object detector used in VinVL.

For dataset list below, preprocessed data is provided, if you need to adopt MVP to other dataset, please follow the steps.

To download extracted features used in VinVL and MVP, it is recommended to use azcopy.

Image-Text Retrieval


As the original pre-trained VinVL uses the test split of Flickr30k during pre-training, we exclude those data and pre-train our MVP to avoid the information leaking:

  1. Download the pre-trained checkpoint for flickr30k retrieval: mvp_base_for_fk

  2. Download the extracted features and captions from: fk_ir

  3. Training with evaluation on the validation split:

python3 oscar/ \
    --model_name_or_path pretrained_models/base_for_fk/ \
    --data_dir datasets/fk_ir --do_train --do_lower_case \
    --per_gpu_train_batch_size 64 --learning_rate 0.00004 \
    --num_train_epochs 10 --weight_decay 0.05 \
    --save_steps 400 --add_od_labels --od_label_type vg \
    --max_seq_length 50  --evaluate_during_training \
    --num_captions_per_img_val 128 --num_images_per_cap_val 64 \
    --max_img_seq_length 50  --dataset_name flickr \
    --max_phrases 5  --sent_sg datasets/fk_ir/ \
    --id2node datasets/mvp/id2phrase_new.json \
    --output_dir output_fk/mvp_std/
  1. Evaluation on the test split:

python3 oscar/ \
    --eval_model_dir output_fk/mvp_std/checkpoint-x-x \
    --data_dir datasets/fk_ir --do_test --do_eval --do_lower_case \
    --per_gpu_eval_batch_size 128 --add_od_labels --od_label_type vg \
    --max_seq_length 50  --test_split test \
    --num_captions_per_img_val 128 --num_images_per_cap_val 64 \
    --max_img_seq_length 50  --dataset_name flickr \
    --max_phrases 5  --sent_sg datasets/fk_ir/ \
    --id2node datasets/mvp/id2phrase_new.json \
    --output_dir output_fk/mvp_std/

We found that MVP quickly converges to the best performance within 2 epochs.


  1. Download the tsv-format features:

    path/to/azcopy copy '' pretrain_datasets/coco --recursive
  2. Download the captions:

    path/to/azcopy copy '' datasets/ --recursive
  3. Download the pre-trained checkpoint: mvp_base_for_coco

  4. Training with evaluation on the 1k minival split:

    python3 oscar/ \
        --model_name_or_path pretrained_models/base_for_coco/ \
        --per_gpu_train_batch_size 96 --learning_rate 0.00004 \
        --num_train_epochs 15 --weight_decay 0.05 \
        --save_steps 400 --add_od_labels --od_label_type vg \
        --max_seq_length 50  --evaluate_during_training \
        --num_captions_per_img_val 128 --num_images_per_cap_val 64 \
        --max_img_seq_length 50 \
        --id2node datasets/mvp/id2phrase_new.json \
        --do_train  --img_feat_file pretrain_datasets/coco/model_0060000/features.tsv \
        --do_lower_case  --data_dir datasets/coco_ir/ \
        --evaluate_during_training  --max_tag_length 30 \
        --output_dir output_coco/mvp --dataset_name coco \
        --max_phrases 5  --sent_sg datasets/coco_ir/
  5. Evaluationation on the 5k test split:

    python3 oscar/ \
        --eval_model_dir output_coco/mvp/checkpoint-x-x \
        --num_captions_per_img_val 128 --num_images_per_cap_val 64 \
        --test_split test  --eval_img_keys_file test_img_keys.tsv \
        --id2node datasets/mvp/id2phrase_new.json --do_test --do_eval \
        --img_feat_file pretrain_datasets/coco/model_0060000/features.tsv \
        --do_lower_case  --data_dir datasets/coco_ir/ \
        --output_dir evaluate_coco/mvp --dataset_name coco \
        --max_phrases 5  --sent_sg datasets/coco_ir/


  1. In VQA, we found it useful to initialize the classifier head with the weights used in MLM task, the initialized checkpoint can be downloaded from: mvp_base_for_vqa

  2. Download vqa dataset:

    path/to/azcopy copy "" datasets/ --recursive

    and we re-use the tsv-format coco image features mentioned in MSCOCO retrieval.

  3. To achieve the best performance, the model is trained on train and val splits:

    python3 oscar/ -j 4 --img_feature_dim 2054 --max_img_seq_length 50 \
        --data_label_type mask --img_feature_type faster_r-cnn --data_dir datasets/vqa/ \
        --model_type bert --model_name_or_path pretrained_models/base_for_vqa/ \
        --task_name vqa_text --do_train_val --do_lower_case \
        --max_seq_length 128 --per_gpu_eval_batch_size 256 \
        --per_gpu_train_batch_size 32 --learning_rate 5e-05 \
        --num_train_epochs 25 --add_od_labels \
        --output_dir output_vqa/mvp/ --label_file datasets/vqa/trainval_ans2label.pkl \
        --save_epoch 1 --seed 88 --evaluate_during_training \
        --logging_steps 20 --eval_step 4000 --drop_out 0.3 \
        --weight_decay 0.05 --warmup_steps 0 --loss_type bce \
        --img_feat_format tsv --img_feat_dir pretrain_datasets/coco/model_0060000/ \
        --classifier linear --cls_hidden_scale 3 --txt_data_dir datasets/vqa \
        --max_tag_length 30 --use_pretrain --use_b_text --b_as_list
  4. Predict the answers:

    python3 oscar/ -j 4 --img_feature_dim 2054 --max_img_seq_length 50 \
        --data_label_type mask --img_feature_type faster_r-cnn --data_dir datasets/vqa/ \
        --model_type bert --model_name_or_path pretrained_models/base_for_vqa/ \
        --task_name vqa_text --do_test --do_lower_case \
        --max_seq_length 128 --per_gpu_eval_batch_size 256 \
        --label2ans_file datasets/vqa/trainval_label2ans.pkl  --add_od_labels \
        --output_dir output_vqa/mvp/checkpoint-5-15120/ \
        --label_file datasets/vqa/trainval_ans2label.pkl --img_feat_format tsv \
        --img_feat_dir pretrain_datasets/coco/model_0060000/coco2015test/ \
        --classifier linear --cls_hidden_scale 3 --txt_data_dir datasets/vqa \
        --max_tag_length 30  --use_pretrain  --use_b_text --b_as_list

Here is the detailed evaluation results from the VQA challange on EvalAI:

[{"test-dev": {"yes/no": 91.55, "number": 58.47, "other": 67.04, "overall": 76.16}}, {"test-standard": {"yes/no": 91.65, "number": 58.45, "other": 67.16, "overall": 76.36}}]


  1. Download the dataset: coming soon.

  2. Download the pre-trained checkpoint: mvp_base

  3. Training:

    python3 oscar/ -j 4 --img_feature_dim 2054 --max_img_seq_length 70 \
        --img_feature_type faster_r-cnn --data_dir datasets/ve/ --output_dir output_ve/mvp/ \
        --model_type bert --model_name_or_path pretrained_models/base/ \
        --task_name ve --do_train --do_lower_case --max_seq_length 70 \
        --per_gpu_eval_batch_size 128 --per_gpu_train_batch_size 64 \
        --learning_rate 4e-05 --num_train_epochs 25 --add_od_labels \
        --save_epoch 1 --seed 88 --evaluate_during_training \
        --logging_steps 20 --eval_step 400 --drop_out 0.1 \
        --weight_decay 0.05 --warmup_steps 0 --loss_type ce \
        --img_feat_format pt --img_feat_dir datasets/ve/ \
        --classifier linear --cls_hidden_scale 3 --txt_data_dir datasets/ve \
        --max_tag_length 20 --bivinvl_id2phrase datasets/mvp/id2phrase_new.json
  4. Evaluation:

    python3 oscar/ -j 4 --img_feature_dim 2054 --max_img_seq_length 70 \
        --img_feature_type faster_r-cnn --data_dir datasets/ve/ \
        --output_dir output_ve/mvp/checkpoint-0-1035 \
        --model_type bert --model_name_or_path pretrained_models/base/ \
        --task_name ve --do_test --do_lower_case --max_seq_length 70 \
        --per_gpu_eval_batch_size 128 --add_od_labels \
        --img_feat_format pt --img_feat_dir datasets/ve/ \
        --classifier linear --cls_hidden_scale 3 --txt_data_dir datasets/ve \
        --max_tag_length 20 --bivinvl_id2phrase datasets/mvp/id2phrase_new.json

Referring Expression

  1. Download the dataset: re, we also re-use the tsv-format coco data.

  2. Download the pre-trained checkpoint: mvp_base

  3. Training:

    python3 oscar/ -j 4 --img_feature_dim 2054 --max_img_seq_length 50 \
        --img_feature_type faster_r-cnn --data_dir datasets/re/ --output_dir output_re/mvp/ \
        --model_type bert --model_name_or_path pretrained_models/base/ \
        --task_name re --do_train --do_lower_case --max_seq_length 30 \
        --per_gpu_eval_batch_size 256 --per_gpu_train_batch_size 64 \
        --learning_rate 4e-05 --num_train_epochs 25 --add_od_labels \
        --save_epoch 1 --seed 88 --evaluate_during_training \
        --logging_steps 20 --eval_step 1000 --drop_out 0.1 \
        --weight_decay 0.05 --warmup_steps 0 --img_feat_format tsv \
        --img_feat_dir pretrain_datasets/coco/model_0060000/ \
        --classifier linear --cls_hidden_scale 3 --txt_data_dir datasets/re \
        --max_tag_length 20  --loss_mod 1 \
        --bivinvl_id2phrase datasets/mvp/id2phrase_new.json \
        --data_file datasets/re/ve_splits.json --phrase_layer 2


Please consider citing this paper if you find this repository useful:

  title={MVP: Multi-Stage Vision-Language Pre-Training via Multi-Level Semantic Alignment},
  author={Li, Zejun and Fan, Zhihao and Tou, Huaixiao and Wei, Zhongyu},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.12596},


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