ASOCR(Auto Screen OCR)

Select range and every time you press Space key, OCR is activated.

usage1: simple OCR

  1. Settings->Privacy->Allow screen capture to terminal
  2. pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. download jpn.traineddata
  4. move jpn.traineddata to /usr/loacl/share/tessdata/
  5. python
  6. select range and press space key
  7. it works!
  8. escape by esc key

usage2: select many windows

  1. python
  2. select range
  3. delete range by delete key
  4. press space key
  5. it works!
  6. escape by esc key

usage3: auto OCR

  1. python
  2. select range
  3. delete range by delete key
  4. press space key
  5. it works! (every time the screen changes and stay 1 sec, OCR is activated)
  6. escape by esc key


  • user can change the language
  • user can change the time for activate OCR
  • user can change the threshold of imagehash similarity