Self Portal

Self Portal is a cross-platform desktop application used to deploy software across your endpoints fleet via Chef while providing the same user experience across multiple platforms

Self Portal is in beta. Test throughly before using in production.


macOS Windows Linux
✅ Monterey ✅ Win 11 ✅ Ubuntu

User Interface

macOS – Monterey

Windows 11

Linux – Ubuntu

Chef Requirements:

  1. Chef server and cookbooks needs to be pre-configured before using Self Portal.
  2. pyinstaller to build executables

Self Portal Requirements:

  1. PyQt5 – Runtime files are bundled in executable for simple deployment.
  2. Endpoints need to be enrolled to the Chef instance.
  3. Create JSON file for each cookbook/app to deploy – see below.
Apps JSON schema

  "name": "Chrome",
  "id": "chrome",
  "description": "Chrome is a fast, secure, free web browser. The browser built by Google.",
  "category": ["browser"],
  "icon": "resources/icons/chrome.png",
  "bashcmd": "chef client -o recipe[app-chrome] -L /var/log/chef/self_portal.log"

Build executables

  • It’s best to build on the targeted OS
pyinstaller build.spec

Executables output to /self-portal/dist/


This software {Self Portal} has not been endorsed or supported by Chef (Progress Software Corporation) and is in no way associated with Progress Software Corporation and/or its subsidiaries or affiliate.


Self Portal is released under the Apache 2.0 Licence.


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