Vibrating Perimeter

This project consists of a small minecraft helper mod that writes too a log file and a script that reads said log.
Currently it only logs how many blocks you have broken the last 5 minutes, but this might get updated to have more triggers and a more genneral scripts that reads the log too.


The dependencies differ a bit depending on what version of minecraft you are using.
But for 12 it should only be liteloader, and for versions with fabric it is fabric-loader and the fabric-api.

The script depends on python and of course

You will also need intiface


Helper mod

Look in releases for your minecraft version.
There are plenty of guides on how to install a minecraft mod, but the gist of it is to put the jar in your mod folder.

Buttplug Script

Look in releases again for a helper script.
If you open it should see a line for the log_file, the only thing in this you should need to change is this, the default path to the log file in the mod this is in your .minercaft folder wherever it is, the file vibrator_log.txt


Start minecraft with the mod activated and make sure it writes too the log file.
Start intiface and make sure your device is connected, there is a fantastic guide video in intiface’s website if you need help.
Start the log reading script, you should now see in intiface that the script has connected and your device vibrates twice to confirm the connection.

If you now start digging the vibrations should slowly ramp up as your dig speed increases.



  • Make the mikecraft mod add more “weight” if the block took longer to mine
  • Configuration of levels and time the block breaking speed calculation has to work with
  • Better mapping of vibrator levels, through some kind of curve
  • More triggers
    • Configuration of those triggers


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