
“Stream any movie in seconds. Either search for a movie or select from the current top 100 movies from The Pirate Bay!”

2 million bobs



Everything is installed via, but if you need it for manual installation

  1. python3 python3-dev python3-pip npm

  2. npm and nodejs:

  3. webtorrent-cli

sudo npm install webtorrent-cli -g

Quick install

“Requirements: the apt package manager”

“Current Issue: Jammy Jellyfish cannot install npm via the apt package manager due to a required out-of-date dependency”

git clone
cd basedflix

What this will do is simple:

  1. Install dependencies (using apt)
  2. Create a virtual Python environment venv
  3. Install from requirements.txt to the virtual environment
  4. Create a symlink /usr/local/bin/basedflix

That is it! You can launch the program now by typing basedflix in your terminal.

In case of manual installation, you can use these steps as a reference.

pirate pepe

Important Note

Use a vpn if your country has very strict laws on torrenting!

Supported Video players

Player (CLI command) Player name Install via apt package manager
airplay Apple TV
chromecast Chromecast
dlna DLNA
mplayer mplayer sudo apt install mplayer
mpv MPV sudo apt install mpv
omx OMX
vlc VLC sudo apt install vlc
iina IINA
smplayer SMPlayer sudo apt install smplayer
xbmc XBMC


Sometimes the movie comes with subtitles. However, if there are no subtitles, you can find some on the web and upload the .srt file to the media player.


Top 100


How it works

The JSON data is received from thepiratebay API. It is then parsed into an easily manageable array. Then the movies are displayed to the console. After that you select the movie and a supported media player. The webtorrent-cli then receives a magnet link and streams the torrent, on a chosen video player.


  • Create JSON parser (done)
  • Create Streamer (done)
  • Watch top 100 movies (done)
  • Install script (done)
  • Minimum viable product (done)
  • Simplify Install script (done)
  • Video demo
  • Uninstall script (done)
  • Watch any movie (done)
  • GUI
  • Long-term support


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