
Enoki is a C++ template library that enables automatic transformations of numerical code, for instance to create a "wide" vectorized variant of an algorithm that runs on the CPU or GPU, or to compute gradients via transparent forward/reverse-mode automatic differentation.

The core parts of the library are implemented as a set of header files with no dependencies other than a sufficiently C++17-capable compiler (GCC >= 8.2, Clang >= 7.0, Visual Studio >= 2017). Enoki code reduces to efficient SIMD instructions available on modern CPUs and GPUs—in particular, Enoki supports:

Deploying a program on top of Enoki usually serves three goals:

  1. Enoki ships with a convenient library of special functions and data
    structures that facilitate implementation of numerical code (vectors,
    matrices, complex numbers, quaternions, etc.).

  2. Programs built using these can be instantiated as wide versions that
    process many arguments at once (either on the CPU or the GPU).

    Enoki is also structured in the sense that it handles complex programs
    with custom data structures, lambda functions, loadable modules, virtual
    method calls, and many other modern C++ features.

  3. If derivatives are desired (e.g. for stochastic gradient descent), Enoki
    performs transparent forward or reverse-mode automatic differentiation of
    the entire program.

Finally, Enoki can do all of the above simultaneously: if desired, it can
compile the same source code to multiple different implementations (e.g.
scalar, AVX512, and CUDA+autodiff).


The development of this library was prompted by the by the author's frustration
with the current vectorization landscape:

  1. Auto-vectorization in state-of-the-art compilers is inherently local. A
    computation whose call graph spans separate compilation units (e.g. multiple
    shared libraries) simply can't be vectorized.

  2. Data structures must be converted into a Structure of Arrays (SoA) layout
    to be eligible for vectorization.


This is analogous to performing a matrix transpose of an application's
entire memory layout—an intrusive change that is likely to touch almost
every line of code.

  1. Parts of the application likely have to be rewritten using intrinsic
    which is going to look something like this:


Intrinsics-heavy code is challenging to read and modify once written, and it
is inherently non-portable. CUDA provides a nice language environment
for programming GPUs but does nothing to help with the other requirements
(vectorization on CPUs, automatic differentiation).

  1. Vectorized transcendental functions (exp, cos, erf, ..) are not widely
    available. Intel, AMD, and CUDA provide proprietary implementations, but many
    compilers don't include them by default.

  2. It is desirable to retain both scalar and vector versions of an algorithm,
    but ensuring their consistency throughout the development cycle becomes a
    maintenance nightmare.

  3. Domain-specific languages (DSLs) for vectorization such as
    ISPC address many of the above issues but assume
    that the main computation underlying an application can be condensed into a
    compact kernel that is implementable using the limited language subset of
    the DSL (e.g. plain C in the case of ISPC).

    This is not the case for complex applications, where the "kernel" may be
    spread out over many separate modules involving high-level language features
    such as functional or object-oriented programming.

What Enoki does differently

Enoki addresses these issues and provides a complete solution for vectorizing
and differentiating modern C++ applications with nontrivial control flow and
data structures, dynamic memory allocation, virtual method calls, and vector
calls across module boundaries. It has the following design goals:

  1. Unobtrusive. Only minor modifications are necessary to convert existing
    C++ code into its Enoki-vectorized equivalent, which remains readable and

  2. No code duplication. It is generally desirable to provide both scalar
    and vectorized versions of an API, e.g. for debugging, and to preserve
    compatibility with legacy code. Enoki code extensively relies on class and
    function templates to achieve this goal without any code duplication—the
    same code template can be leveraged to create scalar, CPU SIMD, and GPU
    implementations, and each variant can provide gradients via automatic
    differentiation if desired.

  3. Custom data structures. Enoki can also vectorize custom data
    structures. All the hard work (e.g. conversion to SoA format) is handled by
    the C++17 type system.

  4. Function calls. Vectorized calls to functions in other compilation units
    (e.g. a dynamically loaded plugin) are possible. Enoki can even vectorize
    method or virtual method calls (e.g. instance->my_function(arg1, arg2, ...); when instance turns out to be an array containing many different

  5. Mathematical library. Enoki includes an extensive mathematical support
    library with complex numbers, matrices, quaternions, and related operations
    (determinants, matrix, inversion, etc.). A set of transcendental and special
    functions supports real, complex, and quaternion-valued arguments in single
    and double-precision using polynomial or rational polynomial approximations,
    generally with an average error of <1/2 ULP on their full domain.
    These include exponentials, logarithms, and trigonometric and hyperbolic
    functions, as well as their inverses. Enoki also provides real-valued
    versions of error function variants, Bessel functions, and elliptical


Importantly, all of this functionality is realized using the abstractions of
Enoki, which means that it transparently composes with vectorization,
the JIT compiler for generating CUDA kernels, automatic differentiation, etc.

  1. Portability. When creating vectorized CPU code, Enoki supports arbitrary
    array sizes that don't necessarily match what is supported by the underlying
    hardware (e.g. 16 x single precision on a machine, whose SSE vector only has
    hardware support for 4 x single precision operands). The library uses
    template metaprogramming techniques to efficiently map array expressions
    onto the available hardware resources. This greatly simplifies development
    because it's enough to write a single implementation of a numerical
    algorithm that can then be deployed on any target architecture. There are
    non-vectorized fallbacks for everything, thus programs will run even on
    unsupported architectures (albeit without the performance benefits of

  2. Modular architecture. Enoki is split into two major components: the
    front-end provides various high-level array operations, while the back-end
    provides the basic ingredients that are needed to realize these operations
    using the SIMD instruction set(s) supported by the target architecture.

    The CPU vector back-ends e.g. make heavy use of SIMD intrinsics to
    ensure that compilers generate efficient machine code. The
    intrinsics are contained in separate back-end header files (e.g.
    array_avx.h for AVX intrinsics), which provide rudimentary
    arithmetic and bit-level operations. Fancier operations (e.g.
    atan2) use the back-ends as an abstract interface to the hardware,
    which means that it's simple to support other instruction sets such
    as a hypothetical future AVX1024 or even an entirely different
    architecture (e.g. a DSP chip) by just adding a new back-end.

  3. License. Enoki is available under a non-viral open source license
    (3-clause BSD).


Enoki depends on two other repositories
(pybind11 and
cub) that are required when using certain
optional features, specifically differentiable GPU arrays with Python bindings.

To fetch the entire project including these dependencies, clone the project
using the --recursive flag as follows:

$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/mitsuba-renderer/enoki


An extensive set of tutorials and reference documentation are available at


This project was created by Wenzel Jakob.
It is named after Enokitake, a type
of mushroom with many long and parallel stalks reminiscent of data flow in
vectorized arithmetic.

Enoki is the numerical foundation of version 2 of the Mitsuba
, though it is
significantly more general and should be a trusty tool for a variety of
simulation and optimization problems.

When using Enoki in academic projects, please cite

   author = {Wenzel Jakob},
   year = {2019},
   note = {https://github.com/mitsuba-renderer/enoki},
   title = {Enoki: structured vectorization and differentiation on modern processor architectures}
