Installation ?

Navigate to your directory of choice the proceed as follows;

1 .Clone the git repo and create a virtual environment

Depending on your operating system,make a virtual environment to avoid messing with your machine’s primary dependencies


git clone .
cd your-working-directory
py -3 -m venv venv


git clone .
cd your-working-directory
py -3 -m venv venv

2 .Activate the virtual environment (venv)




. venv/bin/activate or source venv/bin/activate

3 .Install the requirements

Applies for windows/macOS/Linux

pip install -r requirements.txt

4. Run the application ?

For linux and macOS Make the run file executable by running the code

chmod 777 run

Then start the application by executing the run file


On windows

set FLASK_APP=main
flask run

? If you choose to start on a new database, delete the migrations directory and the database.db file then on your terminal ( make sure you’re in the correct working directory) then run;

1. Create a migration repository

flask db init

Creates a new migrations folder inside your cwd.

2. Generate an initial migration

flask db migrate

Creates a database with the required table.

3. Apply the migration to the database

flask db upgrade

Then, whenever the database models change, run the migrate and upgrade commands again. ☺️


GitHub - Dev-Elie/GDSC_MUT-WEB-FlaskAPI at
The first physical meet of the GDSC MUT took place on January 18, 2022. An API created with Flask - GitHub - Dev-Elie/GDSC_MUT-WEB-FlaskAPI at