Network tests automation

About this repository

This repository has automation content to test Arista devices.

To run tests programatically on your EOS devices, once you are done with the requirements described below, you simply need to indicate your devices name in a text file and to indicate the tests you would like to run in a YAML file.

This repository has also content to collect commands output on devices, to clear counters on devices, and to test the devices reachability.

This repository uses Python scripts and eAPI (EOS API). You can find examples of EOS automation with eAPI in this repository.


Requirements on your laptop

Python 3 (at least 3.3) and some packages that are not part of the standard Python library.

lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
Release:        18.04
Codename:       bionic

python -V
Python 3.9.6

The required packages are in the requirements.txt file.
Clone the repository and install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt


pip list | grep 'jsonrpclib-pelix\|PyYAML\|colorama\|prettytable'
colorama                   0.3.7
jsonrpclib-pelix           0.4.2
prettytable                2.5.0
PyYAML                     5.4.1

Requirements on the switches

  • Enable eAPI:

switch1(config)#management api http-commands
switch1(config-mgmt-api-http-cmds)#protocol https port 443
switch1(config-mgmt-api-http-cmds)#no shutdown
switch1(config-mgmt-api-http-cmds)#vrf MGMT
switch1(config-mgmt-api-http-cmds-vrf-MGMT)#no shutdown

switch1#sh run int ma1
interface Management1
   description oob_management
   vrf MGMT
   ip address

Now the swicth accepts HTTPS requests on port 443 in the MGMT VRF containing a list of CLI commands.

  • Verify:

switch1(config)#sh management http-server
SSL Profile:        none
FIPS Mode:          No
QoS DSCP:           0
Log Level:          none
CSP Frame Ancestor: None
TLS Protocols:      1.0 1.1 1.2
   VRF        Server Status      Enabled Services
---------- --------------------- ----------------
   MGMT       HTTPS: port 443    http-commands

switch1>show management api http-commands
Enabled:            Yes
HTTPS server:       running, set to use port 443
HTTP server:        shutdown, set to use port 80
Local HTTP server:  shutdown, no authentication, set to use port 8080
Unix Socket server: shutdown, no authentication
VRFs:               MGMT
Hits:               83
Last hit:           2631 seconds ago
Bytes in:           11348
Bytes out:          335951
Requests:           53
Commands:           64
Duration:           9.242 seconds
SSL Profile:        none
FIPS Mode:          No
QoS DSCP:           0
Log Level:          none
CSP Frame Ancestor: None
TLS Protocols:      1.0 1.1 1.2
   User          Requests       Bytes in       Bytes out    Last hit
------------- -------------- -------------- --------------- ------------------
   arista        2              305            1235         639908 seconds ago
   ansible       51             11043          334716       2631 seconds ago

Management1 :


Quick test

Run this python script to validate the requirements and the device reachability.
Use your device credentials and IP address.

from jsonrpclib import Server
import ssl
ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
username = "arista"
password = "arista"
ip = ""
url = "https://" + username + ":" + password + "@" + ip + "/command-api"
switch = Server(url)
result=switch.runCmds(1,['show version'], 'text')

List of available tests

The tests are defined in the python module in the python package tests_eos.
Each function returns True or False (or None when it can not run properly).

The documentation directory has the tests documentation:

We indicate the tests we would like to run in a YAML file.
Some tests require an input. In that case we provide it using the same YAML file.
Here’s an example tests.yaml.

Repository usage

  • Clone this repository.
  • Install the requirements (see above)

To test devices reachability

vi devices.txt
./ --help
./ -i devices.txt -u username

To run tests on devices

  • Update the devices inventory devices.txt with the devices IP address or hostnames.
  • Update the file tests.yaml to indicate the tests you would like to run. Some tests require an input. In that case, provide it using the same YAML file.
  • Run the python script
  • Check the result in the output file.

vi devices.txt
vi tests.yaml
./ --help
./ -i devices.txt -t tests.yaml -o output.txt -u username
cat output.txt

To collect commands output from EOS devices

  • Update the devices inventory devices.txt with your devices IP address or hostnames.
  • Update the EOS commands list eos-commands.yaml you would like to collect from the devices in text or JSON format.
  • Run the python script
  • Check the output in the output directory.

vi devices-list.text
vi eos-commands.yaml
./ --help
./ -i devices.txt -c eos-commands.yaml -o outdir -u username
ls outdir

To clear counters on EOS devices

vi devices-list.text
./ --help
./ -i devices.txt -u username


$ ./ -u ansible -i devices.txt -o output.txt -t tests.yaml
Device password:
Enable password (if any):
Can not connect to device
Running tests on device ...
Running tests on device ...
Running tests on device ...
Test results are saved on output.txt

$ cat output.txt
Fri Jan 28 09:48:54 2022
devices inventory file was devices.txt
devices username was ansible
list of unreachable devices is
tests file was tests.yaml

***** Results *****

|    devices    |  01.01  |  01.02  |  01.03  |  01.04  |  02.01  |  02.02  |  02.03  |  02.04  |  02.05  |  02.06  |  02.07  |  02.08  |  03.01  |
|  |   Fail  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Skip  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Skip  |
|  |   Fail  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Skip  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Skip  |
|  |   Fail  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Skip  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Skip  |
|    devices    |  03.02  |  03.03  |  03.04  |  03.05  |  04.01  |  04.02  |  05.01  |  05.02  |  06.01  |  07.01  |  08.01  |  08.02  |  08.03  |
|  |   Fail  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Skip  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Skip  |   Skip  |   Skip  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |
|  |   Fail  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Skip  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Skip  |   Skip  |   Skip  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |
|  |   Fail  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Skip  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Skip  |   Skip  |   Skip  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |
|    devices    |  08.04  |  08.05  |  09.01  |  09.02  |  09.03  |  09.04  |  10.01  |  11.01  |  11.02  |  12.01  |  13.01  |  14.01  |  14.02  |
|  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Skip  |   Skip  |   Skip  |   Skip  |   Fail  |   Fail  |   Skip  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |
|  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Skip  |   Skip  |   Skip  |   Skip  |   Fail  |   Fail  |   Skip  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |
|  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Fail  |   Fail  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |
|    devices    |  15.01  |  16.01  |  16.02  |  16.03  |  16.04  |  16.05  |  16.06  |  16.07  |  17.01  |  18.01  |  18.02  |
|  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Skip  |   Fail  |   Skip  |   Fail  |   Fail  |   Pass  |   Fail  |
|  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Skip  |   Fail  |   Skip  |   Fail  |   Fail  |   Skip  |   Pass  |
|  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Skip  |   Pass  |   Skip  |   Fail  |   Fail  |   Skip  |   Fail  |

***** Tests *****
01.01    {"name": "verify_eos_version", "versions": ["4.25.4M", "4.26.1F"]}
01.02    {"name": "verify_terminattr_version", "versions": ["v1.13.6", "v1.8.0"]}
01.03    "verify_eos_extensions"
01.04    "verify_field_notice_44_resolution"
02.01    {"name": "verify_uptime", "min": 86400}
02.02    "verify_reload_cause"
02.03    "verify_coredump"
02.04    "verify_agent_logs"
02.05    "verify_syslog"
02.06    "verify_cpu_utilization"
02.07    "verify_memory_utilization"
02.08    "verify_filesystem_utilization"
03.01    {"name": "verify_transceivers_manufacturers", "manufacturers": ["Not Present", "Arista Networks", "Arastra, Inc."]}
03.02    "verify_system_temperature"
03.03    "verify_transceiver_temperature"
03.04    "verify_environment_cooling"
03.05    "verify_environment_power"
04.01    "verify_zerotouch"
04.02    "verify_running_config_diffs"
05.01    {"name": "verify_unified_forwarding_table_mode", "mode": 3}
05.02    {"name": "verify_tcam_profile", "profile": "vxlan-routing"}
06.01    "verify_adverse_drops"
07.01    "verify_ntp"
08.01    "verify_interface_utilization"
08.02    "verify_interface_errors"
08.03    "verify_interface_discards"
08.04    "verify_interface_errdisabled"
08.05    {"name": "verify_interfaces_status", "minimum": 4}
09.01    "verify_portchannels"
09.02    "verify_illegal_lacp"
09.03    "verify_mlag_status"
09.04    "verify_mlag_interfaces"
10.01    {"name": "verify_loopback_count", "number": 3}
11.01    "verify_vxlan"
11.02    "verify_vxlan_config_sanity"
12.01    "verify_svi"
13.01    "verify_spanning_tree_blocked_ports"
14.01    {"name": "verify_routing_protocol_model", "model": "multi-agent"}
14.02    {"name": "verify_routing_table_size", "min": 2, "max": 20}
15.01    "verify_bfd"
16.01    "verify_bgp_ipv4_unicast_state"
16.02    "verify_bgp_ipv6_unicast_state"
16.03    "verify_bgp_evpn_state"
16.04    "verify_bgp_rtc_state"
16.05    {"name": "verify_bgp_evpn_count", "number": 2}
16.06    {"name": "verify_bgp_rtc_count", "number": 2}
16.07    {"name": "verify_bgp_ipv4_unicast_count", "number": 2}
17.01    {"name": "verify_ospf", "number": 3}
18.01    {"name": "verify_igmp_snooping_vlans", "configuration": "disabled", "vlans": [10, 12]}
18.02    {"name": "verify_igmp_snooping_global", "configuration": "enabled"}

Repository structure

devices.txt file

The file devices.txt is the devices inventory.

The devices inventory is a text file with the devices IP address or hostnames (if resolvable with DNS or your hosts file). This file has one device per ligne.

eos-commands.yaml file

The file eos-commands.yaml is a YAML file used to indicated the list of commands output we would like to collect from EOS devices in text or json format.

tests.yaml file

The file tests.yaml is a YAML file used to indicated the tests we would like to run. It is also used to indicated the parameters used by the tests.
Each test has an identifier which is then used in the tests report.
The tests are defined in the directory tests_eos.

tests_eos directory

The directory tests_eos is a python package.

The python functions to test EOS devices are defined the python module in the python package tests_eos. file

The script is used to generate the functions documentation in markdown format.
It requires the installation of the package lazydocs that is indicated in the file requirements-dev.txt

The functions to test EOS devices are coded in the python module in the python package tests_eos.
These functions have docstrings.
The docstrings are used by the script to generate the functions documentation in markdown format in the directory documentation.

documentation directory

The documentation directory has the tests documentation in markdown format: file

The python script is used to test devices reachability with eAPI.

The python script takes as input a text file with the devices IP address or hostnames (when resolvable), and tests devices reachability with eAPI and prints the unreachable devices on the console. file

The python script is used to clear counters on EOS devices.

It takes as input a text file with the devices IP address or hostnames (when resolvable) and clears counters on these devices. file

The python script is used to collect commands output from EOS devices.

The python script

  • Takes as input:
    • A text file with the devices IP address or hostnames (when resolvable).
    • A YAML file with the list of EOS commands we would like to collect in text or JSON format.
  • Collects the EOS commands from the devices, and saves the result in files. file

The python script is used to run tests on devices.

The python script

  • Imports the python functions defined in the directory tests_eos.
    • These functions defined the tests.
  • Takes as input:
    • A text file with the devices IP address or hostnames (when resolvable).
    • A YAML file with the list of the tests we would like to use and their parameters.
  • Runs the tests, and prints the result on the console and saves the result in a file. file

The python script is used to test the functions defined in the directory test_eos without using actual EOS devices.
It requires the installation of the package pytest that is indicated in the file requirements-dev.txt

mock_data directory

The mock_data directory has data used by the python script to test the functions defined in the directory test_eos without using actual EOS devices.

Contribution guide

Contributions are welcome.
The contribution guide is


Thank you to Paul Lavelle, Colin MacGiollaEain, Matthieu Tache, Angélique Phillipps, Thomas Grimonet, Onur Gashi and Khelil Sator for their contributions and guidances.


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