Getting Started

This tutorial is designed to get you started with Algorand development in a step by step process. By the end of your journey, you will have:

  • Set up your own development environment
  • Create Accounts using the Python SDK
  • Send transactions using your own CLI application

Create a local, private network using Algorand Sandbox

A development environment requires getting access to an Algorand node. You need to access a node to submit new transactions, read data from the blockchain, and manage wallets.

The most-used option is setting up the Algorand sandbox. The sandbox allows developers to create local, private networks. To run the Algorand sandbox, open a terminal and run:

git clone git clone
cd sandbox
./sandbox up

Note: Make sure the docker daemon is running and docker-compose is installed.

This will run the sandbox shell script with the default configuration

For more details visit:

Connecting to your node

If you’re running Algorand Sandbox, you will automatically connect to the Algod and Indexer clients with the current configuration settings located in config.json

config.json can be located at the project root directory. It contains the addresses and tokens needed to connect to the Algod client, Indexer client, and KMD client. config.json can be changed to connect to any Algorand node.


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