Count GitHub Stars per Day ⭐

Track GitHub stars per day over a date range to measure the open-source popularity of different repositories.


PyGitHub is required to access the GitHub REST API via Python. This library enables you to manage GitHub resources such as repositories, user profiles, and organizations in your Python applications.

pip install PyGithub


Update TOKEN to a valid GitHub access token in L15 and then run:



When run on April 1st, 2022 result is:

Counting stars for last 31.5 days

ultralytics/yolov5                      1636 stars  (52.0/day)  :   7%|| 1636/24118 [00:16<03:52, 96.58it/s]
facebookresearch/detectron2             400 stars   (12.7/day)  :   2%|| 400/20363 [00:03<02:53, 114.75it/s]
deepmind/deepmind-research              209 stars   (6.6/day)   :   2%|| 209/9924 [00:01<01:21, 119.41it/s]
aws/amazon-sagemaker-examples           138 stars   (4.4/day)   :   2%|| 138/6723 [00:01<01:00, 108.33it/s]
awslabs/autogluon                       153 stars   (4.9/day)   :   4%|| 153/4311 [00:01<00:35, 117.60it/s]
microsoft/LightGBM                      129 stars   (4.1/day)   :   1%|          | 129/13611 [00:01<02:17, 98.37it/s]
openai/gpt-3                            70 stars    (2.2/day)   :   1%|          | 70/11140 [00:00<02:21, 78.15it/s]
apple/turicreate                        57 stars    (1.8/day)   :   1%|          | 57/10648 [00:00<01:30, 116.69it/s]
apple/coremltools                       42 stars    (1.3/day)   :   2%|| 42/2608 [00:00<00:29, 88.18it/s]
Tencent/ncnn                            300 stars   (9.5/day)   :   2%|| 300/14175 [00:02<01:49, 126.88it/s]
Megvii-BaseDetection/YOLOX              285 stars   (9.1/day)   :   5%|| 285/6021 [00:02<00:42, 133.68it/s]
PaddlePaddle/Paddle                     216 stars   (6.9/day)   :   1%|          | 216/17874 [00:01<02:26, 120.36it/s]
rwightman/pytorch-image-models          759 stars   (24.1/day)  :   4%|| 759/17404 [00:05<02:11, 126.54it/s]
streamlit/streamlit                     673 stars   (21.4/day)  :   4%|| 673/18486 [00:05<02:36, 113.52it/s]
explosion/spaCy                         556 stars   (17.7/day)  :   2%|| 556/23048 [00:04<03:19, 112.54it/s]
PyTorchLightning/pytorch-lightning      432 stars   (13.7/day)  :   2%|| 432/17868 [00:03<02:17, 126.56it/s]
ray-project/ray                         418 stars   (13.3/day)  :   2%|| 418/19706 [00:03<02:42, 118.41it/s]
fastai/fastai                           160 stars   (5.1/day)   :   1%|          | 160/22108 [00:01<03:37, 100.89it/s]
google/automl                           45 stars    (1.4/day)   :   1%|          | 45/4941 [00:00<00:45, 106.84it/s]
AlexeyAB/darknet                        288 stars   (9.2/day)   :   2%|| 288/18777 [00:02<02:24, 128.33it/s]
pjreddie/darknet                        283 stars   (9.0/day)   :   1%|| 283/22486 [00:02<02:56, 125.59it/s]
WongKinYiu/yolor                        80 stars    (2.5/day)   :   5%|| 80/1472 [00:00<00:14, 99.01it/s]
wandb/client                            72 stars    (2.3/day)   :   2%|| 72/3791 [00:00<00:43, 86.35it/s]
Deci-AI/super-gradients                 19 stars    (0.6/day)   :   6%|| 19/312 [00:00<00:06, 47.65it/s]


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