
Insert Pandas DataFrames into the Excel sheet with a bunch of conditions


pip install pycellframe



Let’s suppose that we have an Excel file named “numbers.xlsx” with the sheet named “Dictionary” in which we would like to insert the pandas.DataFrame.

Import pandas and create an example DataFrame (which will be inserted into the Excel sheet):

import pandas as pd

ex = {
    'Num': [1, 2, 3, 4],
    'AfterFirstBlankCol': 'AfterFirstBlank',
    'Descr': ['One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four'],
    'AfterSecondBlankCol': 'AfterSecondBlank.',
    'Squared': [1, 4, 9, 16],
    'Binary:': ['1', '10', '11', '100']

df = pd.DataFrame(ex)
  • Import openpyxl.load_workbook and open numbers.xlsx – Our Excel workbook;
  • Get – Dictionary our desired sheet:

from openpyxl import load_workbook

workbook = load_workbook('numbers.xlsx')
worksheet = workbook['Dictionary']


1. incell_style(cell_src, cell_dst)

  • Let’s say, we have a cell in Excel Dictionary sheet that we would like to copy the style from, and it is O3;
  • Let O4 be our destination cell:

NOTE: If we wanted to copy that style to more than one cell, we would simply use the loop depending on the locations of the destination cells.

from pycellframe import incell_style

incell_style(cell_src=worksheet['O3'], cell_dst=worksheet['O4'])

2. sheet_to_sheet(filename_sheetname_src, filename_sheetname_dst, calculated)

  • Let’s say that we have two Excel files, and we need specific sheet from one file to be completely copied to another file’s specific sheet;
  • filename_sheetname_src is the parameter for one file -> sheet the data to be copied from (tuple([‘FILENAME_SRC’, ‘SHEETNAME_SRC’]));
  • worksheet_dst is the parameter for the destination Worksheet the data to be copied to (openpyxl.worksheet.worksheet.Worksheet);
  • Let’s assume that we have file_src.xlsx as src file and for worksheet_src we can use its CopyThisSheet sheet.
  • We can use output.xlsx -> CopyToThisSheet sheet as the destination worksheet, for which we already declared the Workbook object above.

NOTE: We are assuming that we need all the formulas (where available) from the source sheet, not calculated data, so we set calculated parameter to False

from pycellframe import sheet_to_sheet

worksheet_to = workbook['CopyToThisSheet']

sheet_to_sheet(filename_sheetname_src=('file_src.xlsx', 'CopyThisSheet'),

3. incell_frame(worksheet, dataframe, col_range, row_range, num_str_cols, skip_cols, headers)

  • From our package pycellframe import function incell_frame;
  • Insert exDataFrame into our sheet twice – with and without conditions:

from pycellframe import incell_frame

# 1 - Simple insertion
incell_frame(worksheet=worksheet, dataframe=df)

# 2 - Insertion with some conditions
             col_range=(3, 0),
             row_range=(6, 8),
             skip_cols=['D', 'F'],

In the first insertion, we did not give our function any arguments, which means the DataFrame ex will be inserted into the Dictionary sheet in the area A1:F4 (without the headers).

However, with the second insertion we define some conditions:

  • col_range=(3, 0) – This means that insertion will be started at the Excel column with the index 3 (column C) and will not be stopped until the very end, since we gave 0 as the second element of the tuple

  • row_range=(6, 8) – Only in between these rows (in Excel) will the DataFrame data be inserted, which means that only the first row (since the headers is set to True) from ex will be inserted into the sheet

  • num_str_cols=['F'] – Another condition here is to not convert Binary column values to int. If we count, this column will be inserted in the Excel column F, so we tell the function to leave the values in it as string

  • skip_cols=['D', 'F']D and F columns in Excel will be skipped and since our worksheet was blank in the beginning, these columns will be blank (that is why I named the columns in the DataFrame related names)

  • headers=True – This time, the DataFrame columns will be inserted, too, so the overall insertion area would be C6:J8

For really detailed description of the parameters, please see:

  1. incell_frame.__docs__
  2. sheet_to_sheet.__docs__
  3. incell_style.__docs__
  • Finally, let’s save our changes to a new Excel file:'output.xlsx')

Full Code

import pandas as pd
from openpyxl import load_workbook
from pycellframe import incell_style, \
                        incell_frame, \

ex = {
    'Num': [1, 2, 3, 4],
    'AfterFirstBlankCol': 'AfterFirstBlank',
    'Descr': ['One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four'],
    'AfterSecondBlankCol': 'AfterSecondBlank.',
    'Squared': [1, 4, 9, 16],
    'Binary:': ['1', '10', '11', '100']

df = pd.DataFrame(ex)

workbook = load_workbook('numbers.xlsx')
worksheet = workbook['Dictionary']

# Copy the cell style
incell_style(cell_src=worksheet['O3'], cell_dst=worksheet['O4'])

# Copy the entire sheet
worksheet_to = workbook['CopyToThisSheet']

sheet_to_sheet(filename_sheetname_src=('file_src.xlsx', 'CopyThisSheet'),

# Insert DataFrame into the sheet

## 1 - Simple insertion
incell_frame(worksheet=worksheet, dataframe=df)

## 2 - Insertion with some conditions
             col_range=(3, 0),
             row_range=(6, 8),
             skip_cols=['D', 'F'],


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