
This is a clean and robust Pytorch implementation of DQN and Double DQN. Here is the training curve:

All the experiments are trained with same hyperparameters.

A quick render here:




How to use my code

Train from scratch

run ‘python main.py’, where the default enviroment is CartPole-v1.

Play with trained model

run ‘python main.py –write False –render True –Loadmodel True –ModelIdex 50000’

Change Enviroment

If you want to train on different enviroments, just run ‘python main.py –EnvIdex 1’.
The –EnvIdex can be set to be 0 and 1, where
‘–EnvIdex 0’ for ‘CartPole-v1’
‘–EnvIdex 1’ for ‘LunarLander-v2’

Visualize the training curve

You can use the tensorboard to visualize the training curve. History training curve is saved at ‘\runs’

Hyperparameter Setting

For more details of Hyperparameter Setting, please check ‘main.py’


DQN: Mnih V , Kavukcuoglu K , Silver D , et al. Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning[J]. Computer Science, 2013.

Double DQN: Hasselt H V , Guez A , Silver D . Deep Reinforcement Learning with Double Q-learning[J]. Computer ence, 2015.

Other RL algorithms by Pytorch can be found here.


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