
A CLI/Shell supporting JeyyAPI, OpenRobot API and RePI API.


pip install -U git+


┌── openrobot: Opens the OpenRobot CLI
|   ├── api: Manages OpenRobot API
|   |   ├── configure: Configures the OpenRobot API cridentials to authenticate to the API
|   |   ├── config: An alias of configure command
|   |   ├── lyrics <query> [--format json|text]: Gets/Searches lyrics from a query. This access the /api/lyrics endpoint.
|   |   ├── nsfw-check <url> [--format json|text]: Performs a NSFW Check using the /api/nsfw-check endpoint.
|   |   ├── celebrity <url> [--format json|text]: Performs a Celebrity Detection using the /api/celebrity endpoint.
│   ├── jeyy: Manages Jeyy API
│   ├── repi: Manages RePI API
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A CLI/Shell supporting OpenRobot API and more! Contribute to OpenRobot-Packages/OpenRobot-CLI development by creating an account on GitHub.