Data Structures and Algorithms:

This is a collection of data structures and algorithms that I write while learning the subject

Stack: A stack algorithm is a data structure that is like a pack of cards – a stack. Stack has the following properties:


Adds element to the top of the stack


Removes element from the top of the stack


Returns the element at the top of the stack

Size and is_empty are just helper functions

Stuff Done with stack:

  • Checking if a bracket string is balanced Explanation:

    • Add all brackets in the stack one by one
    • on reaching a closing bracket, check if the top of the stack is a matching bracket
    • if it is, pop the top of the stack and check the next bracket
    • rinse and repeat
    • if the stack is empty, the string is balanced
    • otherwise, the string is not balanced in the end
  • Reverse algorithm Explanation:

    • Add all characters in the string to the stack
    • make a new string – which will hold the return value
    • pop the top of the stack until its empty and add it to the string
    • Voila! the string has been reversed
  • Int to binary conversion Explanation:

    • Divide the integer by 2 and add the remainder to the stack
    • the quotient obtained from the division is what we’ll use to get the next remainder
    • Keep repeating until the quotient is 0
    • Reverse the stack by popping its values to obtain the binary string

        |Quotient: 2 Remainder: 1  | - remainder added (Current stack: 1)
        |Quotient: 1 Remainder: 0  | - remainder added (Current stack: 10)
        |Quotient: 0 Remainder: 1  | - remainder added (Current stack: 101)
        Answer will be the reverse of this stack : 101


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