TensorFlow Decision Forests

TensorFlow Decision Forests (TF-DF) is a collection of state-of-the-art algorithms for the training, serving and interpretation of Decision Forest models. The library is a collection of Keras models and supports classification, regression and ranking.

TF-DF is a TensorFlow wrapper around the Yggdrasil Decision Forests C++ libraries. Models trained with TF-DF are compatible with Yggdrasil Decision Forests' models, and vice versa.

Usage example

A minimal end-to-end run looks as follow:

import tensorflow_decision_forests as tfdf
import pandas as pd

# Load the dataset in a Pandas dataframe.
train_df = pd.read_csv("project/train.csv")
test_df = pd.read_csv("project/test.csv")

# Convert the dataset into a TensorFlow dataset.
train_ds = tfdf.keras.pd_dataframe_to_tf_dataset(train_df, label="my_label")
test_ds = tfdf.keras.pd_dataframe_to_tf_dataset(test_df, label="my_label")

# Train the model
model = tfdf.keras.RandomForestModel()

# Look at the model.

# Evaluate the model.

# Export to a TensorFlow SavedModel.
# Note: the model is compatible with Yggdrasil Decision Forests.

Documentation & Resources

The following resources are available:


To install TensorFlow Decision Forests, run:

pip3 install tensorflow_decision_forests --upgrade

See the installation page for more details,
troubleshooting and alternative installation solutions.

