
A dashboard to visualize earthquakes around the world between 2000 and 2020.


A abnormal seismic activity has been recorded in late 2020 near my city, Strasbourg, France.

These unusual earthquakes may have been caused by boreholes made during the exploration phase of a geothermal energy project.

This gave me the idea of making a dashboard to display the earthquakes worldwide and learn more about this phenomenon.

Data source

To make a good dashboard, you need good data.
I used the webservices of

The dataset is updated automatically every hour, leveraging Github's Flat Data, with scripts under scripts/flatdata. File data/viz/dataset.csv is then always up to date` .

If you wish to rebuild the whole dataset from scratch, there are 2 steps :

  • collect the raw data from the webservice : python scripts/scrapping/
  • aggregate the json files into a csv file : python scripts/scrapping/

Data Engineering

The data engineering is done using pandas.


The dashboard is made with Holoviz (using Holoviews, Geoviews and Panel) with the Bokeh backend.

Questions ?

  • If you have any question on how to use this dashboard
  • If you have suggestions on how to improve it

Then please contact me on LinkedIn or on Twitter.

Pull requests are appreciated !

Also have a look to open issues for the next tasks I intend on tackle.