
A Discord bot for dispensing testnet tokens.


  • python3.8+
  • gaia v6.0.0+
  • Faucet keys in gaia keyring


  1. Install dependencies:

cosmos-discord-faucet$ python -m venv .env
cosmos-discord-faucet$ source .env/bin/activate
cosmos-discord-faucet$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Create Discord token and save its token.
  2. Add the bot token to config.ini.
  3. Modify the nodes, faucet addresses, and amount to send in config.ini .


This bot can be run stand-alone (mostly for testing), or as a service.



  • This can be run inside a tmux session.


  1. Modify the cosmos-discord-faucet.service file as appropriate.
  2. Make a copy of cosmos-discord-faucet.service or create a link to it in /etc/systemd/system/.
  3. Enable and start the service:

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable cosmos-discord-faucet.service
systemctl start cosmos-discord-faucet.service
systemctl status cosmos-discord-faucet.service

Discord Commands

  1. Request tokens through the faucet:
    $request [cosmos address] vega|theta
  • A ✅ means the transaction was successful
  1. Request the faucet and node status:
    $faucet_status vega|theta

  2. Request the faucet address:
    $faucet_address vega|theta

  3. Request information for a specific transaction:
    $tx_info [transaction hash ID] vega|theta

  4. Request the address balance:
    $balance [cosmos address] vega|theta


This repo is based on cosmos-discord-faucet:

  • The cosmospy library calls have been replaced by calls to gaiad to avoid deprecated endpoints and messages.
  • The address prefix has been switched to cosmos.


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