
GlazeGlopBot is a Discord bot intending to convenience members of a private Discord server for the boys. Fundamentally, commands are organized into cogs. Currently, guild moderation, random number generator, and weather reporting utilities have been implemented.


A small suite of "inside joke" commands for the boys.


Some common guild (server) moderation commands (e.g. moving users across voice channels, disconnecting them, or kicking them from the guild).


Currently features a dice roller and random integer generator.


Currently limited to playing local sound files. The cog has basic player functions like stopping, pausing, and resuming.


GlazeGlopBot grabs weather data through API calls to OpenWeatherMap. To make location input user-friendly, GlazeGlopBot uses the Bing Maps API to resolve natural language inputs into geographic coordinates. The weather cog then makes a OneCall request to OWM, which returns information such as temperature, precipitation, air/wind conditions, and sunrise/sunset times.

The weather cog can grab:

  • Current weather
  • 12-hour hourly forecast
  • 7-day daily forecast


You can set up your own version of GlazeGlopBot with your own API tokens.

  1. Clone the repository. git clone
  2. From the project directory, install dependencies. pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  3. Get your tokens as appropriate.

The weather cog also requires:

  1. If you want to use the vc cog, get FFmpeg.

  2. Add the values from steps 3 and 4 into .env. If the file doesn't exist, create one with the following contents.

    DISCORD_TOKEN=[Discord token]
    BING_MAPS_TOKEN=[Bing Maps token]
    OWM_TOKEN=[OpenWeatherMap token]
    FFMPEG_PATH=[FFmpeg path]

  3. Add the bot to your guild using the link assigned to it by Discord.


Within Discord guilds, the bot responds to commands prefixed with the $ character (e.g. $ree). Users can be passed as arguments by tagging them.

e.g. $bontibi to request a greeting.

All the cogs ([cog].py files) in the cogs directory are loaded on startup.

  • $ld [cog] to load a cog
  • $rld [cog] to reload a cog
  • $rldall to reload all cogs
  • $uld [cog] to unload a cog

Updates to .env can be applied using $rldenv.

Planned Future Additions

  • Built-in help commands
  • Stock summaries
  • Music player
  • Voice channel presence with text-to-speech
