Django Private Chat2

Chat app for Django, powered by Django Channels, Websockets & Asyncio


The full documentation will be at


Install django_private_chat2:

pip install django_private_chat2

Add it to your INSTALLED_APPS:


Add django_private_chat2's URL patterns:

from django_private_chat2 import urls as django_private_chat2_urls

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^', include(django_private_chat2_urls)),

Add django_private_chat2's websocket URLs to your

django_asgi_app = get_asgi_application()
from channels.routing import ProtocolTypeRouter, URLRouter
from channels.auth import AuthMiddlewareStack
from django_private_chat2 import urls
application = ProtocolTypeRouter({
    "http": django_asgi_app,
    "websocket": AuthMiddlewareStack(


django_private_chat2 doesn't provide any endpoint to fetch users (required to start new chat, for example)
It's up to you to do so. The example app does it in so feel free to copy the handler from there if you wish.


django_private_chat2 is tested against python3.6, python3.7, python3.8, python3.9 with Django 3.0, Django 3.1 and Django 3.2.

You can view the builds here:

Please file an issue if you have any problems with any combination of the above.



-:white_check_mark: Fully-functional example app

-:white_check_mark: Uses Django admin

-:white_check_mark: Supports pluggable User model (and accounts for non-integer primary keys, too)

-:white_check_mark: Doesn't require Django Rest Framework (views are based off django.views.generic)

-:white_check_mark: Configurable via settings

-:white_check_mark: Fully translatable

-:white_check_mark: Uses Django storage system & FileField for file uploads (swappable)


-:white_check_mark: Soft deletable messages

-:white_check_mark: Read/unread messages

-:white_check_mark: Random id (send message first, write to database later)

-:white_check_mark: Supports text & file messages

-:white_check_mark: Gracefully handles errors

-:white_check_mark: Support 'typing' statuses

-:white_check_mark: Upload the file first, send the message later (async uploads) - potential for file ref re-use later

... and more

Example app frontend features

  1. Auto reconnected websocket
  2. Toasts about errors & events
  3. Send text messages
  4. Search for users
  5. Create new chat with another user
  6. Online/offline status
  7. Realtime messaging via websocket
  8. Last message
  9. Auto-avatar (identicon) based on user id
  10. Connection status display
  11. Typing... status
  12. Message delivery status (sent, received, waiting, etc.)
  13. Message history
  14. Persistent chat list
  15. Read / unread messages
  16. Unread messages counters (updates when new messages are received)
  17. Send file messages (upload them to server)


Frontend (example app) & backend

  1. Pagination support on frontend
    1. For messages
    2. For dialogs
  2. Example app only - user list
    1. :white_check_mark: Endpoint
    2. :white_check_mark: UI
  3. :white_check_mark: New dialog support
  4. Online's fetching on initial load
  5. Last message
    1. :white_check_mark: In fetch
    2. :white_check_mark: In new dialog
    3. :white_check_mark: On arriving message
  6. :white_check_mark: Read / unread/ unread count
  7. Last seen
  8. Send photo
  9. :white_check_mark: Send file
  10. Reply to message
  11. Delete message
  12. Forward message
  13. Search for dialog (username)
    1. :white_check_mark: Frontend (local)
    2. Server based - won't do, out of the scope of the project
  14. :white_check_mark: Fake data generator (to test & bench) - done via factories in tests
  15. Cache dialogs (get_groups_to_add) - ?
  16. Move views to async views - ?
  17. Add some sounds
    1. New message
    2. New dialog
    3. Sent message received db_id
  18. Optimize /messages/ endpoint
  19. :white_check_mark:Some tests
  20. Full test coverage
  21. Migration from v1 guide
  22. Documentation

Running Tests

Does the code actually work?

source <YOURVIRTUALENV>/bin/activate
(myenv) $ pip install tox
(myenv) $ tox

Development commands

pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
invoke -l
