
Welcome to the strictest and most opinionated python linter ever.

wemake-python-styleguide is actually a flake8 plugin with some other plugins as dependencies.


pip install wemake-python-styleguide

You will also need to create a setup.cfg file with the configuration.

We highly recommend to also use:

  • flakehell for easy integration into a legacy codebase
  • nitpick for sharing and validating configuration across multiple projects


flake8 your_module.py

This app is still just good old flake8! And it won’t change your existing workflow.

invocation results

See “Usage” section in the docs for examples and integrations.

We also support GitHub Actions as first class-citizens. Try it out!

What we are about

The ultimate goal of this project is to make all people write exactly the same python code.

flake8 pylint black mypy wemake-python-styleguide
Formats code?

Finds style issues?



Finds bugs?


Finds complex code?


Has a lot of strict rules?


Has a lot of plugins?


We have several primary objectives:

  1. Enforce python3.6+ usage
  2. Significantly reduce complexity of your code and make it more maintainable
  3. Enforce “There should be one — and preferably only one — obvious way to do it” rule to coding and naming styles
  4. Protect developers from possible errors and enforce best practices

You can find all error codes and plugins in the docs.

