
A flexible FREE and UNLIMITED tool to translate between different languages in a simple way using multiple translators.


I needed to translate a text using python. It was hard to find a simple way to do it. There are other libraries that can be used for this task, but most of them are buggy, not free, limited, not supported anymore or complex to use.

Therefore, I decided to build this simple tool. It is 100% free, unlimited, easy to use and provide support for all languages.

Basically, my goal was to integrate support for multiple famous translators in this tool.

When you should use it

  • If you want to translate text using python
  • If you want to translate from a file
  • If you want to get translations from many sources and not only one
  • If you want to automate translations
  • If you want to compare different translations
  • If you want to detect language automatically

Why you should use it

  • It's the only python tool that integrates many translators
  • multi language support
  • supports batch translation
  • High level of abstraction
  • Automatic language detection
  • Easy to use and extend
  • Support for most famous universal translators
  • Stable and maintained regularly
  • The API is very easy to use
  • Proxy integration is supported



Install the stable release:

$ pip install -U deep_translator

take a look at the docs if you want to install from source.

Quick Start

from deep_translator import GoogleTranslator
translated = GoogleTranslator(source='auto', target='de').translate("keep it up, you are awesome")  # output -> Weiter so, du bist großartig

or using proxies:

from deep_translator import GoogleTranslator

proxies_example = {
    "https": "",
    "http": ""
translated = GoogleTranslator(source='auto', target='de', proxies=proxies_example).translate("keep it up, you are awesome")  # output -> Weiter so, du bist großartig

or even directly from terminal:

$ deep_translator -trans "google" -src "en" -tg "de" -txt "keep it up, you are awesome"


In this section, demos on how to use all different integrated translators in this tool are provided.


You can always pass the languages by the name or by abbreviation.

Example: If you want to use english as a source or target language, you can pass english or en as an argument


from deep_translator import (GoogleTranslator,

Check Supported Languages


You can check the supported languages of each translator by calling the get_supported_languages function as a static method.

# default return type is a list
langs_list = GoogleTranslator.get_supported_languages()  # output: [arabic, french, english etc...]

# alternatively, you can the dictionary containing languages mapped to their abbreviation
langs_dict = GoogleTranslator.get_supported_languages(as_dict=True)  # output: {arabic: ar, french: fr, english:en etc...}

Language Detection


You can also detect language automatically. Notice that this package is free and my goal is to keep it free. Therefore, you will need to get your own api_key if you want to use the language detection function. I figured out you can get one for free here:

  • Single Text Detection

    lang = single_detection('bonjour la vie', api_key='your_api_key')
    print(lang) # output: fr

  • Batch Detection

    lang = batch_detection(['bonjour la vie', 'hello world'], api_key='your_api_key')
    print(lang) # output: [fr, en]

Google Translate

text = 'happy coding'
  • You can use automatic language detection to detect the source language:

    translated = GoogleTranslator(source='auto', target='de').translate(text=text)

  • You can pass languages by name or by abbreviation:

    translated = GoogleTranslator(source='auto', target='german').translate(text=text)

    Alternatively, you can pass languages by their abbreviation:

    translated = GoogleTranslator(source='en', target='de').translate(text=text)

  • Translate batch of texts

    texts = ["hallo welt", "guten morgen"]

    the translate_sentences function is deprecated, use the translate_batch function instead

    translated = GoogleTranslator('de', 'en').translate_batch(texts)

  • Translate from a file:

    translated = GoogleTranslator(source='auto', target='german').translate_file('path/to/file')

Mymemory Translator


As in google translate, you can use the automatic language detection with mymemory by using "auto" as an argument for the source language. However, this feature in the mymemory translator is not so powerful as in google translate.

  • Simple translation

    text = 'Keep it up. You are awesome'

    translated = MyMemoryTranslator(source='auto', target='french').translate(text)

  • Translate batch of texts

    texts = ["hallo welt", "guten morgen"]

    the translate_sentences function is deprecated, use the translate_batch function instead

    translated = MyMemoryTranslator('de', 'en').translate_batch(texts)

  • Translate from file

    path = "your_file.txt"

    translated = MyMemoryTranslator(source='en', target='fr').translate_file(path)

DeepL Translator


In order to use the DeepL translator, you need to generate an api key. Deepl offers a Pro and a free API. deep-translator supports both Pro and free APIs. Just check the examples below. Visit for more information on how to generate your Deepl api key

  • Simple translation

    text = 'Keep it up. You are awesome'

    translated = DeepL(api_key="your_api_key", source="en", target="en", use_free_api=True).translate(text)


deep-translator uses free deepl api by default. If you have the pro version then simply set the use_free_api to false.

  • Translate batch of texts

    texts = ["hallo welt", "guten morgen"]

    the translate_sentences function is deprecated, use the translate_batch function instead

    translated = DeepL("your_api_key").translate_batch(texts)

QCRI Translator


In order to use the QCRI translator, you need to generate a free api key. Visit for more information

  • Check languages

    as a property

    print("language pairs: ", QCRI("your_api_key").languages)

  • Check domains

    as a property

    print("domains: ", QCRI("your_api_key").domains)

  • Text translation

    text = 'Education is great'

    translated = QCRI("your_api_key").translate(source='en', target='ar', domain="news", text=text)

    output -> التعليم هو عظيم

    see docs for batch translation and more.

Linguee Translator

word = 'good'
  • Simple Translation

    translated_word = LingueeTranslator(source='english', target='french').translate(word)

    pass language by their abbreviation

    translated_word = LingueeTranslator(source='en', target='fr').translate(word)

  • Return all synonyms or words that matches

    set the argument return_all to True if you want to get all synonyms of the word to translate

    translated_word = LingueeTranslator(source='english', target='french').translate(word, return_all=True)

  • Translate a batch of words

    translated_words = LingueeTranslator(source='english', target='french').translate_words(["good", "awesome"])

PONS Translator


You can pass the languages by the name or by abbreviation just like previous examples using GoogleTranslate

word = 'awesome'
  • Simple Translation

    translated_word = PonsTranslator(source='english', target='french').translate(word)

    pass language by their abbreviation

    translated_word = PonsTranslator(source='en', target='fr').translate(word)

  • Return all synonyms or words that matches

    set the argument return_all to True if you want to get all synonyms of the word to translate

    translated_word = PonsTranslator(source='english', target='french').translate(word, return_all=True)

  • Translate a batch of words

    translated_words = LingueeTranslator(source='english', target='french').translate_words(["good", "awesome"])

Yandex Translator


You need to require an private api key if you want to use the yandex translator. visit the official website for more information about how to get one

  • Language detection

    lang = YandexTranslator('your_api_key').detect('Hallo, Welt')
    print(f"language detected: {lang}") # output -> language detected: 'de'

  • Text translation

    with auto detection | meaning provide only the target language and let yandex detect the source

    translated = YandexTranslator('your_api_key').translate(source="auto", target="en", text='Hallo, Welt')
    print(f"translated text: {translated}") # output -> translated text: Hello world

    provide source and target language explicitly

    translated = YandexTranslator('your_api_key').translate(source="de", target="en", text='Hallo, Welt')
    print(f"translated text: {translated}") # output -> translated text: Hello world

  • File translation

    translated = YandexTranslator('your_api_key').translate_file(source="auto", target="en", path="path_to_your_file")

  • Batch translation

    translated = YandexTranslator('your_api_key').translate_batch(source="auto", target="de", batch=["hello world", "happy coding"])

Microsoft Translator


You need to require an api key if you want to use the microsoft translator. visit the official website for more information about how to get one. Microsoft offers a free tier 0 subscription (2 million characters per month).

  • Required and optional attributes

    There are two required attributes, namely "api_key" (string) and "target" (string or list). Attribute "source" is optional. Also, Microsoft API accepts a number of other optional attributes, you can find them here: You can simply add them after the required attributes, see the example.

    text = 'happy coding'
    translated = MicrosoftTranslator(api_key='some-key', target='de').translate(text=text)
    translated_two_targets = MicrosoftTranslator(api_key='some-key', target=['de', 'ru']).translate(text=text)
    translated_with_optional_attr = MicrosoftTranslator(api_key='some-key', target='de', textType='html']).translate(text=text)

  • You can pass languages by name or by abbreviation:

    translated = MicrosoftTranslator(api_key='some-key', target='german').translate(text=text)

    Alternatively, you can pass languages by their abbreviation:

    translated = MicrosoftTranslator(api_key='some-key', target='de').translate(text=text)

  • Translate batch of texts

    texts = ["hallo welt", "guten morgen"]
    translated = MicrosoftTranslator(api_key='some-key', target='english').translate_batch(texts)

  • Translate from a file:

    translated = MicrosoftTranslator(api_key='some-key', target='german').translate_file('path/to/file')

Papago Translator


You need to require a client id and client secret key if you want to use the papago translator. visit the official website for more information about how to get one.

text = 'happy coding'
translated = PapagoTranslator(client_id='your_client_id', secret_key='your_secret_key', source='en', target='ko').translate(text=text)  # output: 행복한 부호화

Proxy usage

deep-translator provide out of the box usage of proxies. Just define your proxies config as a dictionary and pass it to the corresponding translator. Below is an example using the GoogleTranslator but this feature can be used with all supported translators.

from deep_translator import GoogleTranslator

# define your proxy configs:
proxies_example = {
    "https": "your https proxy",  # example:
    "http": "your http proxy if available"
translated = GoogleTranslator(source='auto', target='de', proxies=proxies_example).translate("this package is awesome")

Usage from Terminal

For a quick access, you can use the deep_translator from terminal. For this to work, you need to provide the right arguments, which are the translator you want to use, source language, target language and the text you want to translate.

For example, provide "google" as an argument to use the google translator. Alternatively you can use the other supported translators. Just read the documentation to have an overview about the supported translators in this library.

$ deep_translator --translator "google" --source "english" --target "german" --text "happy coding"

Or you can go for the short version:

$ deep_translator -trans "google" -src "english" -tg "german" -txt "happy coding"

If you want, you can also pass the source and target language by their abbreviation

$ deep_translator -trans "google" -src "en" -tg "de" -txt "happy coding"

If you want the list of languages supported by a translator service, just pass the translator service as an argument to the -trans flag followed by the -lang/--languages flag. For example:

$ deep_translator -trans "google" -lang


  • Install dev requirements

    $ pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

  • Or just install pytest

    $ pip install pytest

  • you can run tests individually for each translator by passing the prefix test_ followed by the translator name as an argument to pytest.

    $ pytest test_google_trans
    $ pytest test_linguee
    $ pytest test_mymemory
    $ pytest test_pons

  • Alternatively, you can run the test suite

    $ pytest -ra
