
This is a framework for running common deep learning models for point cloud analysis tasks against classic benchmark. It heavily relies on pytorch geometric and hydra core.

The framework allows lean and yet complex model to be built with minimum effort and great reproducibility.


# PointNet++: Deep Hierarchical Feature Learning on Point Sets in a Metric Space (
# Credit Charles R. Qi:

    architecture: pointnet2.PointNet2_D
    conv_type: "DENSE"
    use_category: True
        module_name: PointNetMSGDown
        npoint: [1024, 256, 64, 16]
        radii: [[0.05, 0.1], [0.1, 0.2], [0.2, 0.4], [0.4, 0.8]]
        nsamples: [[16, 32], [16, 32], [16, 32], [16, 32]]
                [[FEAT, 16, 16, 32], [FEAT, 32, 32, 64]],
                [[32 + 64, 64, 64, 128], [32 + 64, 64, 96, 128]],
                [[128 + 128, 128, 196, 256], [128 + 128, 128, 196, 256]],
                [[256 + 256, 256, 256, 512], [256 + 256, 256, 384, 512]],
        module_name: DenseFPModule
                [512 + 512 + 256 + 256, 512, 512],
                [512 + 128 + 128, 512, 512],
                [512 + 64 + 32, 256, 256],
                [256 + FEAT, 128, 128],
        skip: True
        nn: [128, 128]
        dropout: 0.5

Getting started


  • CUDA > 10
  • Python 3 + headers (python-dev)
  • Poetry (Optional but highly recommended)

Setup repo

Clone the repo to your local machine then run the following command from the root of the repo

poetry install

This will install all required dependencies in a new virtual environment.

Activate it

poetry shell

You can check that the install has been successful by running

python -m unittest

Train pointnet++ on part segmentation task for dataset shapenet

poetry run python task=segmentation model_type=pointnet2 model_name=pointnet2_charlesssg dataset=shapenet

And you should see something like that




Model Name # params Speed Train / Test Cross Entropy OAcc mIou mAcc
pointnet2_original 3,026,829 04:29 / 01:07(RTX 2060) 0.0512 85.26 45.58 73.11

Shapenet part segmentation

The data reported below correspond to the part segmentation problem for Shapenet for all categories. We report against mean instance IoU and mean class IoU (average of the mean instance IoU per class)

Model Name Use Normals # params Speed Train / Test Cross Entropy CmIou ImIou
pointnet2_charlesmsg Yes 1,733,946 15:07 / 01:20 (K80) 0.089 82.1 85.1
RSCNN_MSG No 3,488,417 05:40 / 0:24 (RTX 2060) 0.04 82.811 85.3


Undefined symbol / Updating pytorch

When we update the version of pytorch that is used, the compiled packages need to be reinstalled, otherwise you will run into an error that looks like this:

... undefined symbol: _ZN3c1012CUDATensorIdEv

This can happen for the following libraries:

  • torch-points
  • torch-scatter
  • torch-cluster
  • torch-sparse

An easy way to fix this is to run the following command with the virtualenv activated:

pip uninstall torch-scatter torch-sparse torch-cluster torch-points -y
rm -rf ~/.cache/pip
poetry install


Contributions are welcome! The only asks are that you stick to the styling and that you add tests as you add more features!
For styling you can use pre-commit hooks to help you:

pre-commit install

A sequence of checks will be run for you and you may have to add the fixed files again to the stahed files.
