
Hangman but for movies ?

This is a fun hangman style game to guess random movie names from the local database and show some summary about the movie with a link to the same.

How to use?

Clone the repo, and run "python main.py".


What is the movieman.db file?

Movieman.db is the local sqlite database which is used for the functioning of the game.

At this time it has around 2700 entries , but new entries can be easily added.

How to add more movies to the database ?

To add new movies just run "python fillingData.py" and give the number of movies you want.

(NOTE: You will need to download the "imdbpy" python module.)

How does the fillingData.py file works?

It asks you for the number of new entries to be added and then,

It will generate a random sequence and check if a IMDb movie exists with that id in IMDB.

If found, it will check if there already exists a record for it.

If there is none, then it will added as a new entry to the database and the counter will be increased.

Example video showing how to play the game:

Example video showing how to add new movies to the database:

