
Meshpy is a general purpose 3D beam input generator.

How to cite MeshPy?

Whenever you use or mention MeshPy in some sort of scientific document/publication/presentation, please cite MeshPy as described on the MeshPy website.


Meshpy is developed with python3.8.
Other versions of Python might lead to issues.
It is recommended to use virtual environments with python.
On Debian systems the package python3-venv has to be installed.

sudo apt-get install python3-venv python3-dev

Now a virtual environment can be created (for example in the home directory)

cd ~
mkdir opt
cd opt
python3 -m venv meshpy-env

The created virtual environment can be loaded with

source ~/opt/meshpy-env/bin/activate

From now on we assume that the virtual enviroment is loaded.
To install meshpy go to the repository directory

cd path_to_meshpy

Run the following command to install the required packages

pip install -r requirements.txt

As a last step the cython code within meshpy has to be compiled

cd path_to_meshpy/meshpy

Add the meshpy path to PYTHONPATH

export PYTHONPATH=path_to_meshpy:$PYTHONPATH

Optional, a path to baci-release can be given in order to run some combined
tests with baci.

export BACI_RELEASE=path_to_baci-release

To check if everything worked as expected, run the tests

cd path_to_meshpy/tests

Also run the performance tests (the reference time values and host name might have to be adapted in the file path_to_meshpy/tests/

cd path_to_meshpy/tests
