
This program is a part of the nwg-shell project.

This program is a GTK3-based wrapper to display a script output, or a text file content on the desktop in sway or other wlroots-based compositors. It uses the gtk-layer-shell library to place the window on the bottom layer.

As well the script output, at the text file may be formatted with Pango Markup. The window appearance is defined with css styling. See sample files in the config folder. They also come preinstalled in your ~/.config/nwg-wrapper directory. You can find an example of use at the bottom of the page.


  • python (python3)
  • python-gobject
  • gtk3
  • gtk-layer-shell
  • python-setuptools
  • python-i3ipc: for use with sway WM
  • wlr-randr: for use with other wlroots-based Wayland compositors

To install

git clone https://github.com/nwg-piotr/nwg-wrapper.git
cd nwg-wrapper
sudo python3 setup.py install --optimize=1

To uninstall

rm -r /usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/nwg_wrapper*
rm /usr/bin/nwg-wrapper

The path in the first line may be different, depending on your python version.


$ nwg-wrapper -h
usage: nwg-wrapper [-h] [-s SCRIPT | -t TEXT] [-c CSS] [-o OUTPUT] [-p POSITION] [-a ALIGNMENT]
                   [-j JUSTIFY] [-mt MARGIN_TOP] [-mb MARGIN_BOTTOM] [-ml MARGIN_LEFT]
                   [-mr MARGIN_RIGHT] [-r REFRESH] [-v]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SCRIPT, --script SCRIPT
                        Path to the script whose output you want to display
  -t TEXT, --text TEXT  Path to the text file you want to display
  -c CSS, --css CSS     Path to the css file
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output to place the window on, e.g. "eDP-1"
  -p POSITION, --position POSITION
                        Position: "left" or "right"; "center" if no value given
  -a ALIGNMENT, --alignment ALIGNMENT
                        Vertical alignment: "start" or "end"; "middle" if no value given
  -j JUSTIFY, --justify JUSTIFY
                        Text justification: "right" or "center"; "left" if no value given
  -mt MARGIN_TOP, --margin_top MARGIN_TOP
                        Top margin
  -mb MARGIN_BOTTOM, --margin_bottom MARGIN_BOTTOM
                        Bottom margin
  -ml MARGIN_LEFT, --margin_left MARGIN_LEFT
                        Left margin
  -mr MARGIN_RIGHT, --margin_right MARGIN_RIGHT
                        Right margin
  -r REFRESH, --refresh REFRESH
                        Refresh rate in milliseconds; 0 (no refresh) if no value given
  -v, --version         display version information

Sample usage

nwg-wrapper -s date-wttr.sh -r 1800000 -c date-wttr.css -p left -ml 200


nwg-wrapper -t bindings.pango -c bindings.css -p left -ml 200


nwg-wrapper -s timezones.sh -r 1000 -c timezones.css -p right -mr 50 -a start -mt 50 -j right


