

A GUI frontend for the Kamyroll-API using Python and PySide6


When starting the application you will be presented with a list and some buttons on the right.
If you are starting it for the first time it will setup some default settings.
You can change them by clicking the Settings button and changing the values there.

After you are done with settings, you can add links by clicking the + Add button.
It will open a dialog box where you can paste a link.
If the link is supported it will show a green message.
Click OK to add the link to the list.

After adding all your links you can click:

  • The Download Subtitles to only download subtitles
  • The Download All button to download

While the download window is actuve you might get prompted for alternative settings
or if a file should be overwritten.

After the download is finished, there will be a popup.
You can now close the download window.


Output directory is the base directory into which the files will be written.
Click the Browse button to change the parameter.

Filename format

The settings menu has two fields where a “filename format” is accepted,
Episode filename format and Movie fiename format
These use python string formatting, everything inside of curly braces ({})
will be replaced with a value, if it is supported.
For example {series} - {episode} will become One Piece - 1.
Use {{ and }} if you want to use { or } literally.
For more information read the Python documentation.

These values are available for formatting:

  • title: The title of the media
  • duration: The duration of the video in milliseconds
  • description: A description
  • year: The release year

In addition for an episode these values are available:

  • series: The series the episode is from
  • season: The number of the season
  • season_name: The name of the season
  • episode: The number of the episode
  • episode_disp: A string value representing the number
    • For something like specials it might show Special 1
  • date: The release date

Write separate subtitle files

This option will enable you to write a .mp4 file and many .ass files
instead of a single .mkv file.
To help structuring it clearly, there is also a field called Subtitle prefix.
If used the file will be prefixed with that name.

If the movie file was One Piece/One Piece - 01.mp4
and the subtitle prefix was subtitles,
then the output filename for the subtitle would be
One Piece/subtitles/One Piece - 01.eng.ass

Write metadata

This will write metadata like episode title or the cover picture to the file.

Compress streams

This will make ffmpeg reencode the video.
Use this only if you know what you are doing.
Checking this will slow down the download.

Use own login credentials

If you dont want to use the bypasses available
you can also provide your own login data.
If this is checked it will prompt you for
your email and password on download.

Use strict matching

Sometimes some of the subtitles or resolutions might not be available.
If you dont check this box subtitles that are not available will be ignored and
if a resolution is not avaiable it will automatically select a lower resolution.


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