
A hack to run custom steps when building documentation on Read the Docs.

Important: This module should not be installed outside of a Read the Docs build environment.
It will rename your Python executable and install a substitute. It does not currently provide an
automated way to revert this change.

How to use this?

Rtd-cs overrides your python installation with a Bash script that dispatches the
execution of custom steps upon invokation of python -m mkdocs or python -m sphinx.
The commands to run are defined in a file called .readthedocs-custom-steps.yml.


# .readthedocs-custom-steps.yml
- bash .scripts/ >docs/
- python -m "$@"

Here, $@ contains the arguments after python -m in the Read the Docs build step, for example:

  • mkdocs build --clean --site-dir _site/html --config-file mkdocs.yml
  • sphinx -T -b html -d _build/doctrees -D language=en . _build/html

An infinite recursion of this script invoking itself in the example above is prevented automatically
with the RTD_CUSTOM_ENTRY environment variable.


The file containing the steps must be a YAML file called .readthedocs-custom-steps.yml. It is searched
for in the following locations:

  1. .readthedocs-custom-steps.yml
  2. docs/.readthedocs-custom-steps.yml
  3. Relative to any directories from which requirements files are specified in the .readthedocs.yml file
    under the $.python.install[*].requirements configuration option.


In addition to passing the original arguments to the custom steps, Rtd-cs provides PYTHON environment variables
as detected from the ~/.pyenv/shims folder in the RTD build environment. (e.g. if there is a shim python3.6 and
python3.7, there'll be PYTHON, PYTHON36 and PYTHON37 environment variables, and PYTHON will point to 3.7).
