
A League of Legends parser for QQ data


This package relies on the API used by
Unofficial Chinese documentation can be found here.


Python package

This is still an experimental package, so the easiest way to install it is through git:
pip install git+

Local API

I also added a basic FastAPI Docker image that you can run if you want to use this package’s querying and data format inside a more complex stack:

docker build -t lol_qq_parser_api .
docker run -p 80:80 lol_qq_parser_api


import lol_qq_parser

# Get a series by its ID
# Example URL:
series = lol_qq_parser.get_series_basic_info(8108)


As shown here, there are many more endpoints that are not implemented in this package.

Any help is welcome to support all known endpoints!

Environment setup

Install dependencies in a virtual environment with poetry:

poetry install

Running tests

Run tests through pytest. They should be found automatically in VS Code.

poetry run pytest .

Generating schemas

The /data/ file generates pydantic validation schemas for QQ endpoints.

It can be run as a task in VS Code with the Run Task command, or from the terminal with poetry run python data/

If you add new endpoints to the package, please add data validation to them for easier maintenance.


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