
A link shortner telegram bot version 2 with advanced features

Made with Python3
(C) @FayasNoushad
Copyright permission under MIT License
License -> https://github.com/FayasNoushad/URL-Shortner-Bot-V2/blob/main/LICENSE

Deploygit clone

git clone https://github.com/FayasNoushad/URL-Shortner-Bot-V2/tree/main
cd URL-Shortner-Bot-V2
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# <Create Variables appropriately>
python3 main.py

VariablesSee variables

GitHub - FayasNoushad/URL-Shortner-Bot-V2: A link shortner telegram bot version 2 with advanced features
A link shortner telegram bot version 2 with advanced features - GitHub - FayasNoushad/URL-Shortner-Bot-V2: A link shortner telegram bot version 2 with advanced features