moirai: MOre InstRuctions and Information

Backcronym. Anyway, this is a small project to extract useful instruction definitions from LLVM’s platform definitions. Projects like capstone are amazing at what they do, but they aren’t particularly useful for building analysis tools because they don’t preserve any information in a human-accessible format. THis aims to borrow some of the techniques that capstone uses (using tblgen!) to quickly and accurately build lots of instruction information.


python3 -m moirai --platform ARM Mips PowerPC --run --parse

Using the output:

It just gives you crap like this….so you’ll need to come up with something interesting to do with it:

    "assemblystring": [
        "abs\\t$rd, $rs"
    "def ": [
    "flags": [
    "title": "ABSMacro"


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