Management System Programs – Python

This is collection of Managementsystem programs: Hospital Management, Student Managemen, etc. Use it for your college assignments.

Project List:

  • [Student Information System](/Student _information_System)


How to run a file of this repo.


  Step 1: Fork this repo

  Step 2: Clone your forked repo
  git clone link-of-your-forked-repo

  Step 3: cd Student _information_System

  Step 4: python

How to Contribute

How to add your management system program into this repo or modify an existing repo.

Step 1: Fork this repo
Step 2: Clone your forked repo

  git clone link-of-your-forked-repo

  Step 3: cd Student _information_System

  Step 4: python

Step 5: Find out issues and solve’em/
Step 6: Add Changed files to your forked repo

  git add .

Step 7: Commit Changes

  git commit -m "apt Message"

Step 8: Push into your forked repo

  git push origin main

Step 9: Create a pull request to merge your forked repo with the base repo

Step 10: Click on “Compare across forks”

Step 11: Select your forked repo as the head repo

Step 12: Create a Pull request

Step 13: Wait for maintainer to merge.
